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Electronic Visit Verification (EVV): Training

Who needs EVV training?

Workers, providers, independent nurses, fiscal employer agents (FEAs), and program payers (HMOs and MCOs) all need training to be successful with EVV.

These groups will be using EVV directly. Their training is different based on their roles and the tools they use for EVV:

  • Workers, including independent nurses, need to know how to check in and out for visits. There are three methods to choose from:
    • Sandata Mobile Connect (SMC) app uses a smartphone or tablet
    • Telephonic visit verification (TVV) uses the client's landline phone
    • Fixed visit verification (FVV) uses a small device ordered from Sandata, followed by a phone call
  • Providers, independent nurses, Family Care FEAs, and microboards need to assign a lead EVV administrator to complete initial EVV trainings. They are then responsible for training other administrators and workers, so they are ready to use EVV. They also use the Sandata EVV Portal (on a laptop or desktop computer) to make sure member information is correct and verify visit data.
  • IRIS consultant agencies (ICAs) and the IRIS self-directed personal care (SDPC) agency need information to answer questions. ICAs also provide participants with information needed to train participant-hired workers. For ICAs and the SDPC agency, training on the full EVV system is not required.
  • Program payer agencies need to view data on the Sandata aggregator. Find more information on the EVV Payers webpage.
  • IRIS participants who choose their own workers, instead of working with a provider, will need to make sure their workers are trained and use EVV. The fiscal employer agency (FEA) chooses which EVV system participant-hired workers will use. IRIS consultants can help participants find the resources to train their participant-hired workers. Find more information on the EVV IRIS webpage.

    IRIS participants who choose services from a provider will not need to train workers for EVV. The provider will manage the EVV requirements. These participants do not need to take any action.

Choosing an EVV system

Are you just starting out? We've combined all the items to get started in the New to EVV?, P-03078, flyer. This step-by-step guide is for any provider or independent nurse preparing to use an EVV system to capture visit data. It's available in English, Hmong, and Spanish.

Providers using the DHS-provided EVV system, Sandata, use the training resources on this page.

Providers, independent nurses, or FEAs choosing to use an alternate EVV system should review training instructions on the Alternate EVV webpage.

Initial training for EVV administrators and independent nurses

Sandata videos

Sandata offers a series of self-paced videos. Completing this video series gives the lead administrator the link and password for the Sandata EVV Portal. It also prepares the administrator to train others, including workers, for roles in EVV.

Independent nurses are administrators for their business as well as workers. They must take this administrative training if choosing the DHS-provided EVV system, Sandata.

The 90-minute video series offers training on the Sandata EVV Portal. The videos cover the ins and outs of the Sandata EVV system, such as navigating the Sandata EVV Portal and correcting visits. However, the videos are not specific to all of Wisconsin’s features.

Refresher resources and tutorials

DHS created resources to guide you, step-by-step, through EVV processes. You can also use the videos, PowerPoints, and written materials to train other team members.

 Sandata video tip

Be ready with this information when you register for the Sandata video series:

  • The email address listed in the provider ForwardHealth Portal account (the "Mail to" address in the Demographic Maintenance area)
  • The eight or nine digit provider Medicaid ID (not a 10 digit NPI)

If you need assistance finding this information, please contact EVV Customer Care at or 833-931-2035.

Live webinars in 2024

These optional webinars can help providers and independent nurses prepare for hard launch. Each session will be a live training with a question-and-answer portion.

This training webinar is specifically designed for independent nurses. It will cover:

  • What EVV will look like if you use the DHS-provided Sandata system
  • Your role as a worker, including efficient use of Sandata’s app
  • Your role as an administrator, including adding client authorization information, correcting exceptions, resubmitting denied claims, and using best practices

No pre-registration required. Simply copy the information to your calendar and join the webinar for the date that works best for you. The PowerPoint is currently available on the Independent Nurses Training webpage.

Webinar link or dial 669-254-5252; Webinar ID: 160 463 8665

Webinar dates (choose one)

  • July 9, 10:30–11:30 a.m.
  • July 17, 3–4 p.m.
  • July 25, 10–11 a.m.
  • August 2, 1–2 p.m.

This webinar is for administrators, including independent nurses, using the Sandata system. It is based on the information in the Wisconsin EVV Supplemental Guide, P-02745. After this training, attendees will:

  • Be familiar with unique features of the Sandata system in Wisconsin.
  • Have a clearer understanding of Sandata’s features.
  • Understand next steps for successful EVV use.
  • Know where to find Wisconsin’s EVV resources and training materials.

No pre-registration required. Simply copy the information to your calendar and join the webinar for the date that works best for you. The PowerPoint and recording will be available on the Administrator Training webpage after the webinar dates are finished. The basis of the webinar, the Wisconsin EVV Supplemental Guide, P-02745, is currently available.

Webinar link or dial 669-254-5252; Webinar ID: 161 093 6937

Webinar dates (choose one)

  • August 21, 10–11:30 a.m.
  • August 27, 1–2:30 p.m.
  • September 4, 9–10:30 a.m.
  • September 9, 2–3:30 p.m.

This session is for administrators, including independent nurses, who want to understand how EVV impacts claim edits. Third party billers are also encouraged to attend. After this webinar, attendees will:

  • Understand how EVV policy impacts the claims process.
  • Recognize and understand EVV claim edits.
  • Learn how edits are resolved.
  • Understand when a claim should be resubmitted.
  • Learn how EVV impacts span billing.
  • Use best practices to avoid EVV claim edits.
  • Learn where to find additional resources and assistance.

No pre-registration required. Simply copy the information to your calendar and join the webinar for the date that works best for you. Alternatively, the PowerPoint and recording are currently available on the Administrator Training webpage.

Webinar link or dial 669-254-5252; Webinar ID: 160 097 3941

Webinar dates (choose one)

  • September 6, 1–2 p.m.
  • September 10, 10–11 a.m.
  • September 19, 9–10 a.m.
  • September 23, 2–3 p.m.
  • October 3, 10–11 a.m.
  • October 7, 9–10 a.m.
  • October 17, 2–3 p.m.

This webinar is for independent nurses and other EVV administrators. It covers:

  • When required authorization information must be added in the Sandata EVV portal
  • Searching for an existing client
  • Creating a new client in the Sandata EVV portal

No pre-registration required. Simply copy the information to your calendar and join the webinar for the date that works best for you. Alternatively, the PowerPoint and recording are currently available on the Administrator Training webpage.

Webinar link or dial 669-254-5252; Webinar ID: 161 666 0918

Webinar dates (choose one)

  • September 3, 1–2 p.m.
  • September 19, 3–4 p.m.
  • September 26, 9–10 a.m.
  • October 2, 3–4 p.m.
  • October 10, 10–11 a.m.
  • October 14, 2–3 p.m.
  • October 25, 1– 2 p.m.

Tutorials and refreshers

Use these resources to guide you, step-by-step, through EVV processes. Use a combination of resources that makes the most sense for your needs: video, PowerPoint, or written materials.

How can I get help?

Contact Wisconsin EVV Customer Care at, or call 833-931-2035 for help with all EVV questions.


Last revised July 5, 2024