MCH: Federal Title V

Maternal and Child Health Services Block Grant

Each year, the Family Health Section is required to submit an application to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, Maternal and Child Health Bureau.  The purpose is to monitor Wisconsin's Title V Maternal and Child Health Services Block Grant progress, goal attainment and proper expenditure of funds.

To view narrative reports and forms for the Wisconsin application/report, as well as compare how Wisconsin is doing in relation to other states, visit the Title V Information System (TVIS) website

Send an e-mail to request a print copy of the entire 2021 Application and 2019 Annual Report.

Public Input  

Wisconsin is required to solicit comments from partners and parents.  Please visit the public input page to share your thoughts.  

Application and Report

The following PDF files are excerpts from the 2021 application and 2019 report. 

Five-Year Needs Assessment Summary (PDF, 1,22 MB)

Note: Also see Action Plan Tables from other states.

County Profiles

Wisconsin County Maternal and Child Health Profiles P-01083 (PDF, 1.22 MB) provide reliable county-level estimates of National Performance Measures and demographic data to assist local health departments in making data-informed decisions. The profiles also support our understanding of health differences between urban and rural counties.


Last revised April 13, 2023