Prevention and Healthy Living
Adolescent Health in Wisconsin
Learn about the Wisconsin Adolescent Health Team. It supports the wellbeing, growth, and safety of Wisconsin’s young people.
Childhood Experiences and Health
Learn about adverse childhood experiences and how they can impact overall health and well-being.
Chronic Disease Prevention Program
Chronic diseases are common and costly. Prevention can help Wisconsinites live their best lives. Learn about our chronic disease preventive programs.
Climate and Health
The Climate and Health Program studies how climate change impacts public health in Wisconsin.
Commercial Tobacco Prevention and Treatment Program
This program is dedicated to reducing the burden of commercial tobacco and nicotine on Wisconsin communities.
Community Support Programs
This program supports adults living with a serious and persistent mental illness.
Dose of Reality: Opioids in Wisconsin
Opioids are powerful drugs that hurt Wisconsin residents every day.
Environmental Health
Find information about a variety of environmental health hazards and environmental health resources.
Information on programs that help people find and maintain stable housing.
Immunizations: Wisconsin Immunization Program
The mission of the Wisconsin Immunization Program is to stop the spread of diseases that can be prevented with vaccines.
Individual Placement and Support (IPS)
This is a supported employment program for individuals with behavioral health conditions.
Injury and Violence Prevention Program
Find tips, tools and information about how to protect yourself and your loved ones from injury and violence.
Lead-Safe Wisconsin
Learn about lead in Wisconsin and how we can protect kids from lead poisoning.
LGBTQ+ Health
LGBTQ+ people face poor health outcomes for several reasons. Learn more about health disparities in the LGBTQ+ community.
Maternal and Child Health
Find information about programs and services that support the health, nutrition and well-being of pregnant women, mothers and children.
Mental Health: Healthy Living
Good mental health is an essential component of good physical health.
Nutrition and Food Assistance
Locate programs and services that provide food and nutrition services to Wisconsin residents.
Nutrition and Physical Activity
Our Nutrition and Physical Activity Program leads Wisconsin’s efforts to to help people and communities eat nutritious and culturally affirming foods and move their bodies.
Occupational Health
Learn more about workplace safety and health for workers, health care professionals, employers, laboratories, and researchers.
Oral Health Program
Find tips and programs for improving your oral health as oral health is essential to the general health and well-being of all Wisconsin residents.
Peer Services
Peer services provide hope for people, families, and communities living with mental health and substance use concerns.
Real Talks Wisconsin: Change the Conversation on Substance Use
Learn how meaningful conversations can reduce and prevent substance use.
Refugee Health Program
Learn more about the Wisconsin Refugee Health Program.
Resilient Wisconsin
Tools and strategies to prevent trauma and minimize the impacts of toxic stress.
Small Talks: How WI Prevents Underage Drinking
Having small, casual conversations with kids, starting around age eight, can help prevent underage drinking.
Substance Use: Prevention and Healthy Living
Information on how to help people of all ages avoid drug use.
Suicide Prevention
Understanding the complexity of suicide is an important way to support people experiencing suicidal thoughts and behaviors, take part in suicide prevention, and change the conversation around suicide.
Supervised Release Program
Supporting people with histories of sexual offenses returning to community living following time in prison and participation in a treatment program.
Tobacco is Changing
The next generation of tobacco products is here, and they don’t look anything like a pack of cigarettes. Learn how to talk to your kids about the dangers of tobacco.
Wisconsin State Health Plan
Find an overview of the Wisconsin State Health Plan for 2023-2027, developed with the help of partners and communities from around the state.