Wisconsin Statewide Genetics Program

Genetics is a rapidly growing area in health care. While still very important in the diagnosis and management of birth defects and rare disorders, genetics is also a factor in many common conditions. Every day, more is learned about the role genetics plays in diseases like asthma, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

Genetic Systems Integration (GSI) Initiative

The Genetic Systems Integration (GSI) Initiative aims to reduce disparities and improve access to genetics services in Wisconsin. Based out of the University of Wisconsin-Madison Waisman Center, 

GSI Initiative staff work in partnership with Wisconsin Maternal & Child Health (MCH) programs and other state and regional genetics partners to strengthen systems of care.

The GSI Initiative is an information resource for MCH programs and genetic and non-genetic healthcare providers in Wisconsin. Ways this information is disseminated include:

  • An annual statewide professional development conference.
  • Genetics continuing education modules.
  • Genetics in Wisconsin webpage. This is an online resource for non-genetic healthcare professionals to help them care for patients and families who are affected with a genetic condition.

Wisconsin Genetics Stakeholder Group

The GSI Initiative supports the activities and efforts of the Wisconsin Genetics Stakeholder Group and its three work groups in the areas of newborn screening, policy, and workforce development.

This collaborative, comprised of statewide genetics healthcare professionals and partners, endeavor to address statewide needs in the medical genetics service community.

If you would like to know more or become involved, please contact Tami Horzewski, Tami.Horzewski@dhs.wisconsin.gov or Sara Zoran, zoran@wisc.edu.


Last revised April 15, 2024