Report Abuse, Neglect, or Misappropriation
For the public
Any person may report misconduct by an employee or contractor of a Wisconsin treatment provider or facility. Reports may be submitted anonymously.
For providers
DQA regulated providers are required to submit allegations of misconduct through the Misconduct Reporting System (MRS).
For state employees
CWC, SWC, NWC, MMHI, and WMHI employees are required to submit allegations of misconduct through the Misconduct Reporting System (MRS).
Reporting requirements
Entities (providers regulated by DQA and state employees) must report incidents, allegations, or suspected occurrences of abuse, neglect, or misappropriation of client property. See Misconduct Definitions, P-00976 (PDF) and Wisconsin Caregiver Program Manual, P-00038 (PDF) for more information.
Note: Additional reporting requirements and penalties for non-compliance may be contained in other state or federal laws governing specific types of treatment providers. See Regulation of Health and Residential Care Providers or contact your Regional Office for information.