Misconduct Reporting System

Entities (providers regulated by DQA and state employees) must report incidents, allegations, and suspected occurrences of abuse, neglect, and misappropriation of client property using the Misconduct Reporting System (MRS). See Misconduct Reporting System User Instructions, P-02312A (PDF).

Members of the public may report misconduct by an employee or contractor of a Wisconsin treatment provider or facility without an account.

Create and register an account

Important notice: DHS changed the authentication system for accessing the MRS on March 19, 2025 to MyWisconsin ID. Your WILMS username and password will no longer allow you access to the MRS.

To access the MRS, you must create and register a MyWisconsin ID. Detailed instructions for signing up for the MRS are located in DQA Misconduct Reporting System: How to Sign Up, P-02312 (PDF).

  1. Create a MyWisconsin ID to access the MRS. For assistance with creating or accessing your MyWisconsin ID account, please contact the MyWisconsin ID Account Service Desk at 608-471-6667.
  2. Register your MyWisconsin ID with the MRS by completing the Registration form - DQA Misconduct Reporting System (MRS), F-03359. A MyWisconsin ID account is required to complete the registration request.

Notification requirement

Providers regulated by DQA must send an email notification to dhsdqamir@dhs.wisconsin.gov when a MRS account should be deactivated, including following a staff change or reassignment.

System outages

If you are unable to access the MRS by following the registration process described above, please email dhsofficeofcaregiverquality@dhs.wisconsin.gov.


Last revised March 20, 2025