WIC: Information for Health Care Providers and Professionals
Worried about the federal government shutdown?
DHS is closely monitoring all of the activities occurring at the federal level, including the possibility of a government shutdown. Our goal is to keep the public informed, especially our WIC participants. In the event of a federal government shutdown on Friday, March 14, Wisconsin WIC will be available. You may continue to use your WIC benefits, attend WIC appointments, and do not need to take any action. DHS will share information as it becomes available. Contact your local WIC agency with any questions.
The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) is Wisconsin’s premier public health nutrition program. It serves more than 90,000 women, infants, and children in Wisconsin each year. More than half of Wisconsin infants qualify for the WIC program.
Our program helps families get the essential nutrients they need during critical times of growth and development. We want to work side by side with health care providers. Together we can ensure our more vulnerable families get a healthy start and find lifelong wellness.
In January 2018, the American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Nutrition issued a policy statement. The statement encourages health care providers to help eligible families apply for programs, such as WIC that provide high-quality nutrition to infants and children.
Help your patients receive WIC benefits
You play a vital role in helping Wisconsin families find needed WIC services and support. Here are ways you can help your patients learn more:
- Work with your local WIC office to figure out the best way to refer to each other and share information.
- Display and give out WIC outreach brochures in your office.
- Refer patients to your local WIC program. Use section 1 of the Referral/Request for Medical Formula/Food form below to include measurements and bloodwork with their referral.
- Include WIC brochures in new patient information.
- Tell your patients about the WIC health and nutrition program. Encourage them to call or visit their local WIC office.
Referral or medical request forms
Health care providers should use this form to request special formulas and nutritionals, or to provide a referral with measurements and bloodwork. Fill out all sections to request formulas or nutritionals, or complete just section one to provide a referral. Return the form to your patient’s local WIC office.
- Wisconsin WIC Referral/Request for Medical Formula/Food: Infants and Children, F-44024d (Word)
- Wisconsin WIC Referral/Request for Medical Formula/Food: Women, F-44024a (Word)
Formula and nutrition publications and fact sheets
Find information on which formulas and nutritionals are WIC approved, WIC’s maximum monthly amounts, and more.
- Infant Formulas, Contract Standard, P-40077a (PDF)
- Infant Formulas, Medical Request Required, P-40077b (PDF)
- Children Nutritionals, Medical Request Required, P-40077c (PDF)
- Women Nutritionals, Medical Request Required, P-40077d (PDF)
- The Role of Infant Formula in the WIC Program (PDF)
WIC provider letters and information
- 10/16/23 Update—Remote Services and Lead Testing for Health Care Providers Serving WIC Participants (PDF)
- 1/24/23 Update—Abbott Formula Recall and Shortage: Update for Health Care Providers serving WIC participants
- 2/25/22 Update—Wisconsin DHS Health Alert #40: Similac, Alimentum, and EleCare Formula Recall
- Wisconsin DHS Health Alert #40: Similac, Alimentum, and EleCare Formula Recall