WIC: Nutrition Education

You want to keep your family healthy and strong. WIC (Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children) helps you do just that! We’re here for you with nutrition education and support about:

  • Dietary needs
  • Eating habits
  • Feeding concerns

Affordable Flavors meal plan

Affordable Flavors is a resource that is now available to Wisconsin WIC participants. Affordable Flavors is a budget-focused meal plan and cookbook designed to feed a family of four for under $550 per month. This resource is offered through Kids Eat in Color®.


MyPlate (ChooseMyPlate.gov) is a tool that helps with diet. MyPlate shows pictures and guidelines. These tell you what types of food you should have on your plate for each meal. Eating the right kinds of foods keeps your diet balanced.

Fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are great for healthy eating. Find tips, recipes, and more:

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Last revised March 14, 2024