WIC: Apply for WIC
You want to keep your family healthy and strong. WIC is here to help.
The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) helps families stay healthy by providing:
- Nutrition education.
- Breastfeeding support.
- Healthy foods.
- Referrals to health services and other resources.
WIC serves those who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or postpartum, as well as infants and children up to age five. Foster parents and relatives may also apply on behalf of an infant or child in their care.
Apply for WIC
To apply, start your pre-application online, or contact your local WIC office.
Contact your local WIC office
Find the WIC office nearest to you. Use the Wisconsin Cities and Villages in Multiple Counties (PDF) guide to help find your county.
Juneau County Health Department
200 Hickory St.
Mauston, WI 53948
Telephone: 608-847-9375
Fax: 608-847-9407
Email: jawic@co.juneau.wi.us
Juneau County Health Department website
Bay Area WIC
216 3rd St. West, Suite 100
Ashland, WI 54806
Telephone: 715-682-6661
Fax: 715-682-0475
Email: wic@bayfieldcounty.wi.gov
Bay Area WIC website
Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Council
Bad River Health and Wellness
53585 Nokomis Road
Ashland, WI 54806
Telephone: 715-682-71333 x4343
Email: cnemec@glitc.org
Barron County Department of Health and Human Services
335 E. Monroe Ave., Room 338
Barron, WI 54812
Telephone: 715-537-5691 ext. 5001
Fax: 715-537-6363
Email: wic@co.barron.wi.us
Barron County Department of Health and Human Services website
Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Council
St. Croix Tribal Health Clinic
4404 State Road 70
Webster, WI 54893
Telephone: 715-349-8554, ext. 5157
Email: cnemec@glitc.org
Bay Area WIC
216 3rd St. West, Suite 100
Ashland, WI 54806
Telephone: 715-682-6661
Fax: 715-682-0475
Email: wic@bayfieldcounty.wi.gov
Bay Area WIC website
Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Council
Red Cliff Community Health
36745 Aiken Road
Bayfield, WI 54814
Telephone: 715-779-3707
Email: cnemec@glitc.org
NEW Community Clinic
424 S Monroe Ave.
Suite 100
Green Bay, WI 54301
Telephone: 920-437-8368
Fax: 920-437-9480
Email: wiceastsupport@newcommunityclinic.org
Oneida Nation WIC
525 Airport Road
PO Box 365
Oneida, WI 54155
Telephone: 920-869-4829
Fax: 920-869-4909
Email: WIC_Program@oneidanation.org
Buffalo County Department of Health and Human Services (Acting WIC Agency: Trempealeau)
407 S. 2nd St.
Alma, WI 54610
Telephone: 715-538-2311 ext. 233
Fax: 715-538-4861
Email: wic@co.trempealeau.wi.us
Wild Rivers WIC
100 Polk County Plaza
Suite 180
Balsam Lake, WI 54810
Telephone: 715-204-4159
Fax: 715-500-6512
Email: polkcountywic@polkcountywi.gov
Wild Rivers WIC website
Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Council
St. Croix Tribal Health Clinic
4404 State Road 70
Webster, WI 54893
Telephone: 715-349-8554 x5157
Email: cnemec@glitc.org
Calumet County Health Department
206 Court St.
Chilton, WI 53014
Telephone: 920-849-1432
Fax: 920-849-1476
Email: clara.cohen@calumetcounty.org
Chippewa County Department of Public Health
711 North Bridge St.
Chippewa Falls, WI 54729
Telephone: 715-726-7903
Fax: 715-726-7910
Email: wic@chippewacountywi.gov
Chippewa County Department of Public Health website
Clark County Health Care Center
W4266 CTH X
Owen, WI 54460
Telephone: 888-298-5299
Fax: 715-229-9482
Email: wendy.backaus@co.clark.wi.us
Columbia County Department of Health and Human Services
111 E. Mullett St.
Portage, WI 53901
Telephone: 608-724-9227
Fax: 608-742-9700
Email: wicshare@columbiacountywi.gov
Southwestern Wisconsin Community Action Program
201 S. Iowa St.
Dodgeville, WI 53533
Telephone: 608-935-2326 ext. 204
Fax: 608-930-2199
Email: wic@swcap.org
Madison and Dane County WIC
2705 E. Washington Ave.
Madison, WI 53704-5002
Telephone: 608-267-1111
Fax: 608-261-9606
Email: rgoldberg@publichealthmdc.com
Madison and Dane County WIC website
Dodge County Human Services and Health Department
199 County Road DF
Juneau, WI 53039
Telephone: 920-386-3680
Fax: 920-386-4011
Email: ayoung@co.dodge.wi.us
Door County Public Health Department
421 Nebraska St.
Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235
Telephone: 920-746-2237
Fax: 920-746-2320
Email: tmertens@co.door.wi.us
Northwest WI Community Service Agency
1805 North 14th St., Suite 4
Superior, WI 54880
Telephone: 715-394-2750
Fax: 715-394-4651
Email: wic@northwest-csa.org
Dunn County Health Department
3001 State Hwy 12E
Menomonie, WI 54751
Telephone: 715-232-2498
Fax: 715-232-1132
Email: WIC@co.dunn.wi.us
Dunn County Health Department website
Eau Claire City-County Health Department
720 2nd Ave.
Eau Claire, WI 54703
Telephone: 715-839-5051
Fax: 715-831-5793
Email: wic@eauclairecounty.gov
Eau Claire City-County Health Department website
Florence County Health Department
501 Lake Ave.
Florence, WI 54121
Telephone: 715-528-4837
Fax: 715-528-5269
Email: sgraff@florencecountywi.gov
Fond du Lac County Health Department
160 South Macy St.
Fond du Lac, WI 54935
Telephone: 920-929-3104
Fax: 920-906-4741
Email: wic@fdlco.wi.gov
Forest County Health Department
200 East Madison St., Courthouse
Crandon, WI 54520
Telephone: 715-478-3371
Fax: 715-478-5171
Email: cnemec@glitc.org
Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Council
Mole Lake Health Office
3144 Vanzile Road
Crandon, WI 54520
Telephone: 715-478-5180
Email: cnemec@glitc.org
Forest County Potawatomi
8201 Mish Ko Swen Drive
Crandon, WI 54520
Telephone: 715-478-4320
Fax: 715-478-4319
Email: cnemec@glitc.org
Grant County Health Department
111 S. Jefferson St.
Lancaster, WI 53813
Telephone: 608-723-6416
Fax: 608-723-6501
Email: shandfelt@co.grant.wi.gov
Green County Health Department
N3152 Hwy 81
Monroe, WI 53566
Telephone: 608-328-9390
Fax: 608-325-7575
Email: jbatz@greencountywi.org
Noble Community Clinics WIC
400 South Townline Road
Wautoma, WI 54982
Telephone: 920-787-5514
Fax: 920-787-9496
Email: WIC@nobleclinics.org
Southwestern Wisconsin Community Action Program
201 S. Iowa St.
Dodgeville, WI 53533
Telephone: 608-935-2326 ext. 204
Fax: 608-930-2199
Email: wic@swcap.org
Bay Area WIC
216 3rd St. West, Suite 100
Ashland, WI 54806
Telephone: 715-682-6661
Fax: 715-682-0475
Email: wic@bayfieldcounty.wi.gov
Bay Area WIC website
Jackson County Health and Human Services
421 County Road R
Black River Falls, WI 54615
Telephone: 715-284-4301, ext. 385
Fax: 715-284-7713
Email: amy.gunderson@co.jackson.wi.us
Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Council
Black River Falls Health Office
6520 Lumberjack Guy Road
Black River Falls, WI 54615
Telephone: 715-284-9851
Email: cnemec@glitc.org
Jefferson County Health Department
1541 Annex Road
Jefferson, WI 53549
Telephone: 920-674-7189
Fax: 920-674-7460
Email: wic@jeffersoncountywi.gov
Juneau County Health Department
200 Hickory St.
Mauston, WI 53948
Telephone: 608-847-9375
Fax: 608-847-9407
Email: jawic@co.juneau.wi.us
Juneau County Health Department website
Kenosha County WIC
2000 63rd St.
Kenosha, WI 53143
Telephone: 262-657-0840
Email: phalbach@rkcaa.org
Kewaunee County Public Health Department
810 Lincoln St.
Kewaunee, WI 54216
Telephone: 920-388-7160
Fax: 920-388-2122
Email: bauerr@kewauneeco.org
La Crosse County Health Department
300 Fourth St. North
La Crosse, WI 54601
Telephone: 608-205-8755
Fax: 608-785-9846
Email: laxwic@lacrossecounty.org
Southwestern Wisconsin Community Action Program
201 S. Iowa St.
Dodgeville, WI 53533
Telephone: 608-935-2326 ext. 204
Fax: 608-930-2199
Email: wic@swcap.org
Healthfirst WIC Program
216 S 3rd Ave.
Wausau, WI 54401
Telephone: 1-800-246-5743
Fax: 715-675-5475
Email: wic-marathon@healthfirst.org
Healthfirst WIC Program
216 S 3rd Ave.
Wausau, WI 54401
Telephone: 1-800-246-5743
Fax: 715-675-5475
Email: wic-marathon@healthfirst.org
Manitowoc County Health Department
1028 S. 9th St.
Manitowoc WI 54220
Telephone: 920-683-4526
Fax: 920-683-4156
Email: wic@manitowoccountywi.gov
Healthfirst WIC Program
216 S 3rd Ave.
Wausau, WI 54401
Telephone: 800-246-5743
Fax: 715-675-5475
Email: wic-marathon@healthfirst.org
Marinette County Health and Human Services
2500 Hall Ave., Suite C
Marinette, WI 54143
Telephone: 715-732-7680
Fax: 715-732-7646
Email: marinettewic@marinettecountywi.gov
Noble Community Clinics WIC
400 South Townline Road
Wautoma, WI 54982
Telephone: 920-787-5514
Fax: 920-787-9496
Email: WIC@nobleclinics.org
Menominee Tribal Clinic
PO Box 970
W3275 Wolf River Road
Keshena, WI 54135
Telephone: 715-799-5444
Fax: 715-799-1199
Email: scottk@mtclinic.net
Southwest Suburban Heath Department
Southwest Suburban Health Department website
7120 West National Ave.
West Allis, WI 53214
Telephone: 414-302-8642
Fax: 414-302-8628
Email: wic@swshdwi.gov
5050 S. Lake Drive
Cudahy, WI 53110
Telephone: 414-769-2229
Fax: 414-302-8628
7325 West Forest Home Ave.
Greenfield, WI 53220
Telephone: 414-329-5243
Fax: 414-302-8628
Aurora Health Care
1218 West Kilbourn Ave, Suite 207
Milwaukee, WI 53233
Telephone: 414-219-3210
Fax: 414-219-3123
Email: jen.agnello@aah.org
Sixteenth Street Community Health Center
1032 South Cesar Chavez Drive
Milwaukee, WI 53204
Telephone: 414-643-7554
Fax: 414-643-1899
Email: katy.murphy@sschc.org
Seeds of Health WIC
1445 South 32nd St.
Milwaukee, WI 53215
Telephone: 414-385-5611
Fax: 414-672-6885
Email: awhite@seedsofhealth.org
City of Milwaukee Health Department — WIC
City of Milwaukee Health Department website
Northwest Health Center
7630 West Mill Road
Milwaukee, WI 53218
Email: WIC@milwaukee.gov
Telephone: 414-286-8820
Fax: 414-286-0367
Keenan Health Center
3200 N 36th St.
Milwaukee, WI 53216
Email: WIC@milwaukee.gov
Telephone: 414-286-8820
Fax: 414-286-0367
South Side Health Center
1639 S. 23rd St.,
Milwaukee, WI 53204
Email: WIC@milwaukee.gov
Telephone: 414-286-8820
Fax: 414-286-0367
Milwaukee Health Services, Inc.
MLK-Heritage Health Center
2555 North Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive
Milwaukee, WI 53212
Telephone: 414-267-6650
Fax: 414-372-5702
Email: bnelton@mhsi.org
Isaac Coggs Heritage Health Center WIC
8200 W. Silver Spring Drive, Milwaukee 53218
Telephone: 414-267-6650
Fax: 414-372-5702.
Email: bnelton@mhsi.org
Monroe County Health Department
315 West Oak St., Suite B
Sparta, WI 54656
Telephone: 608-269-8671
Fax: 608-269-8872
Email: monroecounty.wic@co.monroe.wi.us
Oconto County Department of Human Services
501 Park Ave.
Oconto, WI 54153
Telephone: 920-834-7072
Fax: 920-834-6889
Email: hope.kersten@ocontocountywi.gov
Oneida County Health Department
100 West Keenan St.
Rhinelander, WI 54501
Telephone: 715-369-6109
Fax: 715-369-6112
Email: wic@co.oneida.wi.us
Outagamie County Department of Health and Human Services
320 South Walnut St.
Appleton, WI 54911
Telephone: 920-832-5109
Fax: 920-832-5110
Email: hhswic@outagamie.org
Washington Ozaukee Public Health Department
121 W. Main St.
Port Washington, WI 53074
Telephone: 262-284-8172
Fax: 262-365-5015
Email: wic@washozwi.gov
Pierce County Public Health Department (Acting WIC Agency)
412 W Kinne St.
Ellsworth, WI 54011
Telephone: 715-273-6755
Fax: 715-276-6854
Email: WIC@co.pierce.wi.us
Pierce County Public Health Department
412 West Kinne St.
Ellsworth, WI 54011
Telephone: 715-273-6758
Fax: 715-273-6854
Email: WIC@co.pierce.wi.us
Wild Rivers WIC
100 Polk County Plaza
Suite 180
Balsam Lake, WI 54810
Telephone: 715-204-4159
Fax: 715-500-6512
Email: polkcountywic@polkcountywi.gov
Wild Rivers WIC website
Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Council
St. Croix Tribal Health Clinic
4040 State Road 70
Webster, WI 54893
Telephone: 715-349-8554 x5157
Email: cnemec@glitc.org
Portage County Health and Human Services Department
3349 Church St., Suite 1
Stevens Point, WI 54481
Telephone: 715-345-5744
Fax: 715-345-5760
E-mail: WIC@co.portage.wi.gov
Price County Health and Human Services
104 South Eyder Ave.
Phillips, WI 54555
Telephone: 715-339-3054
Fax: 715-339-4018
Email: dani.hoffman@co.price.wi.us
Health and Nutrition Service of Racine, Inc.
2316 Rapids Drive
Racine, WI 53404
Telephone: 262-637-7750
Fax: 262-637-0742
Email: wichealth@hnsracine.com
Health and Nutrition Service of Racine website
Southwestern Wisconsin Community Action Program
201 S. Iowa St.
Dodgeville, WI 53533
Telephone: 608-935-2326 ext. 204
Fax: 608-930-2199
Email: wic@swcap.org
Nutrition and Health Associates, Inc.
WIC Program-Rock County, Janesville
32 East Racine St,
Janesville, WI 53545
Telephone: 608-754-3722
Fax: 608-754-3132
Email: nha1983@sbcglobal.net
Website: www.nhawic.org
WIC Program-Rock County, Beloit
46 Eclipse Center
Beloit, WI 53511-3550
Telephone: 608-362-1566
Fax: 608-362-6310
Email: nutrition53511@sbcglobal.net
WIC Program-Rock County website
Rusk County Health and Human Services
311 Miner Ave. East, Suite C220
Ladysmith, WI 54848
Telephone: 715-532-2299, ext. 210
Fax: 715-532-2217
Email: wic@ruskcountywi.us
Sauk County Health Department
505 Broadway
Baraboo, WI 53913
Telephone: 608-355-4320
Fax: 608-355-4329
Email: wic@co.sauk.wi.us
Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Council
Ho Chunk House of Wellness Center
S2845 White Eagle Road
Baraboo, WI 53913
Telephone: 608-355-1240
Email: cnemec@glitc.org
Wild Rivers WIC
100 Polk County Plaza
Suite 180
Balsam Lake, WI 54810
Telephone: 715-204-4159
Fax: 715-500-6512
Email: polkcountywic@polkcountywi.gov
Wild Rivers WIC Website
Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Council
Lac Courte Oreilles Tribal Health Center
13380 W. Trepania Road
Hayward, WI 54843
Telephone: 715-638-5100
Email: cnemec@glitc.org
Shawano County Health Department
311 North Main St., Courthouse
Shawano, WI 54166
Telephone: 715-526-2822
Fax: 715-524-5792
Email: WIC@shawanocountywi.gov
Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Council
Stockbridge-Munsee Wellness Center
W12802 County Highway A
Bowler, WI 54416
Telephone: 715-793-5006
Email: cnemec@glitc.org
Sheboygan County Health and Human Services Department
1011 North 8th St.
Sheboygan, WI 53081
Telephone: 920-459-3417
Fax: 920-459-0529
Email: public.health@sheboygancounty.com
St. Croix County Public Health
1752 Dorset Lane
New Richmond, WI 54017
Telephone: 715-246-8359
Fax: 715-246-8298
Email: wic@sccwi.gov
Healthfirst WIC Program
216 S 3rd Ave.
Wausau, WI 54401
Telephone: 1-800-246-5743
Fax: 715-675-5475
Email: wic-marathon@healthfirst.org
Trempealeau County Health Department
36245 Main St.
Whitehall, WI 54773
Telephone: 715-299-6472
Fax: 715-538-4861
Email: kaitlyn.niebur@co.trempealeau.wi.us
Vernon County Health Department
318 Fairlane Drive (County Hwy BB)
Suite 212
Viroqua, WI 54655-6138
Telephone: 608-637-5260
Fax: 608-637-5514
Email: wic@vernoncountywi.gov
Vilas County Public Health Department
330 Court St.
Eagle River, WI 54521
Telephone: 715-479-3656
Fax: 715-479-3741
Email: brhusi@vilascountywi.gov
Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Council
Peter Christensen Health Center
129 Old Abe Road
Lac du Flambeau, WI 54538
Telephone: 715-588-3371
Email: cnemec@glitc.org
Walworth County Human Services
1910 County Road NN
PO Box 1005
Elkhorn, WI 53121
Telephone: 262-741-3200
Fax: 262-741-3757
Email: walcowic@co.walworth.wi.us
Wild Rivers WIC
100 Polk County Plaza
Suite 180
Balsam Lake, WI 54810
Telephone: 715-204-4159
Fax: 715-500-6512
Email: polkcountywic@polkcountywi.gov
Wild Rivers WIC website
Washington Ozaukee Public Health Department
333 East Washington St., Suite 1100
West Bend, WI 53095-2003
Telephone: 262-335-4466
Fax: 262-365-5015
Email: wic@washozwi.gov
Waukesha County Public Health
514 Riverview Ave.
Waukesha, WI 53188
Telephone: 262-896-8440
Fax: 262-896-8365
Email: WICCares@waukeshacounty.gov
Waupaca County Department of Health and Human Services
811 Harding St.
Waupaca, WI 54981
Telephone: 715-258-6391
Fax: 715-258-6333
Email: kristina.ingrouille@co.waupaca.wi.us
Noble Community Clinics WIC
400 South Townline Road
Wautoma, WI 54982
Telephone: 920-787-5514
Fax: 920-787-9496
Email: WIC@nobleclinics.org
Winnebago County Health Department
112 Otter Ave.
PO Box 2808
Oshkosh, WI 54901-5008
Telephone: 920-232-3350
Fax: 920-232-3370
Email: wic@winnebagocountywi.gov
Neenah Clinic
211 N. Commercial St.
Neenah, WI 54956
Telephone: 920-729-2945
Fax: 920-729-2972
Wood County Health Department
111 W. Jackson St.
Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54495
Telephone: 715-421-8950
Fax: 715-421-8962
Email: wic@co.wood.wi.us
Wood County website
Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Council
Nekoosa Health Office
1021 County Hwy. G
Nekoosa, WI 54457
Telephone: 608-355-1240 x35554
Email: cnemec@glitc.org
To update the list, email the WIC State Office at dhswicgeneral@wisconsin.gov.
State WIC office contacts
- Farmers Market Nutrition Program (FMNP): dhswicfmnp@dhs.wisconsin.gov
- Wisconsin WIC program: dhswicgeneral@dhs.wisconsin.gov
- WIC vendors: dhswicvendor@dhs.wisconsin.gov
- WIC Fraud Hotline: 866-260-1727
- Fax: 608-266-3125
- Mailing Address: PO Box 2659, Madison, WI 53701