Improving Access to Medicare and Medicaid Coverage: Information for Partners and Providers

The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) is improving how Medicare and Medicaid health care coverage works together to provide a better experience for people with disabilities and older adults. DHS expects the project to end by April 30, 2025. The goal is to have a strategic plan with proposals for improvements for DHS to consider in a future phase.

We aim to:

  • Gather input from people who use both Medicare and Medicaid coverage.
  • Gather input from the partners and providers who help people access and use both Medicare and Medicaid coverage.
  • Find ways to make it easier for people to access and use both Medicare and Medicaid coverage.
  • Prepare for changes from the federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) related to who can enroll.
  • Receive a strategic plan with options for DHS to review and consider for future implementation.

 Timeline and phases

Phase 1: Gathering input (September–December 2024)

We looked at Medicare and Medicaid coverage in Wisconsin and how well they work together to provide a better experience for people with disabilities and older adults. To gather input, we heard from:

Surveys and discussions

We asked people who have both Medicare and Medicaid coverage to share their thoughts about:

  • What they need most out of their coverage
  • What resources were helpful when enrolling
  • Problems they have when trying to get care

This survey is closed.

We asked health care providers and those who work for health insurance plans to share their thoughts about Medicare and Medicaid coverage.

This survey is closed.

We asked the following professionals to share their thoughts about Medicare and Medicaid coverage:

  • SHIP counselors
  • ADRC staff
  • Tribal ADRS

This survey is closed.

We talked with multiple groups across the state who deliver or manage Medicare and Medicaid services or support people with both Medicare and Medicaid coverage.

Meetings and relevant materials
GroupDateAssociated materials
Monthly Managed Care Contractor ForumAugust 8, 2024N/A
Medicare Advantage and SHIP RoundtableAugust 22, 2024N/A
FIDE SNP ExpansionAugust 29, 2024N/A
Medicaid Advisory CommitteeAugust 9, 2024N/A
Wisconsin Long Term Care Advisory Council (WLTCAC)September 10, 2024September 10, 2024, WLTCAC Meeting Handouts (PDF) (see page 199)

Phase 2: Planning for improvements (January–April 2025)

Once we understand how well Medicare and Medicaid health care coverage works for people in Wisconsin, we can find ways to improve this system. This means creating a plan to improve Medicare and Medicaid coverage, such as making it easier for people to:

  • Find doctors who take their insurance
  • Get the most out of their benefits
  • Get help coordinating their health care

After phase 2: Making improvements (TBD)

DHS will review and consider the strategic plan from Phase 2, and make changes to Medicare and Medicaid coverage to provide a better experience for people with disabilities and older adults.

 More about Medicare and Medicaid coverage

When someone has both Medicare and Medicaid health care coverage, they can choose a Dual Eligible Special Needs Plan (D-SNP) for their Medicare coverage.

D-SNPs are Medicare Advantage plans for people who also have Medicaid benefits. D-SNPs:

  • Are available for people who are eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid (dual eligible).
  • Have a contract with the state’s Medicaid agency (in Wisconsin, that’s DHS).
  • Use care plans that identify and address each person’s unique needs.
  • Coordinate the person’s Medicare and Medicaid benefits to pay for necessary health care services.

There are two types of D-SNPs in Wisconsin:

  • Highly Integrated Special Needs Plans (HIDE SNPs)
  • Fully Integrated Special Needs Plans (FIDE SNPs)

This project aims to improve both of them.

Most D-SNPs in Wisconsin are HIDE SNP plans. HIDE SNPs are available to people who have Medicare and Medicaid for their health insurance.

HIDE plan organizations may also offer Medicaid plans, so a dual eligible person could get both Medicare and Medicaid coverage from one organization.

FIDE SNPs are available to people who have both Medicare and Medicaid and need long term care services from a nursing home, or the equivalent type of care provided in the community.

For this reason, FIDE SNPs offer coverage through one organization for the person’s Medicare and Medicaid health care services and their long-term care services and supports. In Wisconsin, FIDE SNP plans are available through Family Care Partnership.

 Funding for this work

DHS received support from Arnold Ventures to work with ATI Advisory and Speire Healthcare Strategies, our technical assistance partners, to complete this improvement work.


Last revised January 7, 2025