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Acronym Glossary

Acronyms are often used by public and private agencies as timesaving, shorthand ways to communicate lengthy titles or basic concepts. This glossary provides a quick reference to the terms, acronyms and abbreviations commonly used by this Department.

Topics W

  • W-2

    Wisconsin Works, the state's program to replace AFDC. Makes cash assistance dependent on taking a job or undertaking job training. Cash benefits limited to 60 months. Administered by DWD. Began September 1997.

  • WAD

    Wisconsin Association of the Deaf; the state's premier civil rights advocacy based organization of, by, and for deaf, hard of hearing, and deafblind individuals in the State of Wisconsin.


    Wisconsin Association of Family and Children's Agencies


    Wisconsin Association of Homes and Services for the Aging (non-profit).

  • WALA

    Wisconsin Assisted Living Association


    Wisconsin Asbestos and Lead Database Online (WALDO) is the DHS online asbestos and lead certification database offered for public access.


    Wisconsin Association of Local Health Departments and Boards.

  • WAMS

    Web Access Management System; system allowing authorized people to log into state internet applications using one way of identifying themselves for all.

  • WARF

    Wisconsin Association of Residential Facilities; represents CBRF providers.

  • WCA

    Wisconsin Counties Association.

  • WCDP

    Wisconsin Chronic Disease Program; offers assistance to Wisconsin residents with chronic renal disease, hemophilia, and adult cystic fibrosis.

  • WCHQ

    Wisconsin Collaborative for Healthcare Quality, Inc.


    Wisconsin Counties Human Services Association.

  • WCMH

    Wisconsin Council on Mental Health

  • WCRS

    Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System

  • WDC

    Wisconsin Disability Coalition.


    Wisconsin Emergency Assistance Volunteer Registry, or WEAVR, is a secure, password-protected, web-based volunteer registration system for health care and behavioral health professionals.

  • WEDC

    Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation


    Wisconsin Electronic Disease Surveillance System is a secure, web-based system designed to facilitate reporting, investigation, and surveillance of communicable diseases in Wisconsin. It is designed for public health staff, infection control practitioners, clinical laboratories, clinics, and other disease reporters.

  • WEHA

    Wisconsin Environmental Health Association.

  • WEM

    Wisconsin Emergency Management (WEM) is the lead state agency charged with coordinating the state's planning, preparedness, mitigation, response and recovery efforts for natural and man-caused disasters.


    Wisconsin EMS Association

  • WEPA

    Wisconsin Environmental Policy Act, s. 1.11, Wisconsin Statutes; requires environmental assessments and environmental impact statements (EIS) for proposed actions of state agencies that will affect the physical and natural environment.


    Wisconsin Funeral and Cemetery Aids Program

  • WHA

    Wisconsin Hospital Association.


    Wisconsin Health Care Association/Wisconsin Center for Assisted Living


    Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority

  • WHN

    Wisconsin Health News

  • WI-1 DMAT

    Wisconsin-1 Disaster Medical Assistance Team


    The Wisconsin Health Improvement Planning Process (WI-HIPP) is identifying three to five priority health issues around which the Department of Health Services and partners across Wisconsin will create a state health assessment and a state health improvement plan.

  • WIC

    Women, Infants and Children Supplemental Nutrition Program; seeks to improve the health of low-income, nutritionally at-risk pregnant and nursing women and infants and children under age five through improved nutrition made possible by nutrition education and vouchers for the purchase of certain foods.


    Wisconsin Log On Management System; allows authoritzed people to access many State of Wisconsin internet applications with one ID and password.

  • WING

    Wisconsin National Guard

  • WIR

    The Wisconsin Immunization Registry is an online database that tracks vaccine records for Wisconsin children and adults.


    Wisconsin Statewide Automated Child Welfare Information Systems

  • Wisconsin Fair Employment Act

    Sections 111.31 to 111.395, Stats. Prohibits discrimination in employment based on age, race, creed, color, handicap, marital status, sex, national origin, ancestry, sexual orientation, arrest record or conviction record.

  • Wisconsin Well Woman Medicaid

    Health care coverage for people under age 65 who have been diagnosed with and need treatment for breast or cervical cancer or certain precancerous conditions of the breast or cervix.

  • WISH

    Wisconsin Interactive Statistics on Health


    Wisconsin Statewide Health Information Network

  • WisTAF

    Wisconsin Trust Account Foundation

  • WMHI

    Winnebago Mental Health Institute near Oshkosh.

  • WNA

    Wisconsin Nurses Association

  • Work Incentive Benefit Specialist

    A person that helps people who receive disability benefits with their questions about returning to work.

  • WPHA

    Wisconsin Public Health Association.


    Wisconsin Primary Health Care Association.

  • WPSA

    Wisconsin Personal Services Association

  • WRA

    Wisconsin Rehabilitation Association.

  • Wraparound Milwaukee

    Care coordination for young people in Milwaukee County with serious behavioral, emotional, and mental health needs.

  • WRC

    Wisconsin Resource Center provides specialized mental health services to state prison residents.

  • WSC

    Wisconsin Stroke Committee

  • WSLH

    Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene provide Clinical, Water and Other Environmental, and Industrial Hygiene analytical services, specialized public health procedures, reference testing, training, technical assistance and consultation for private and public health agencies.

  • WSSA

    Wisconsin Social Services Association.


    Wisconsin United Coalition of Mutual Assistance Association, Inc.

  • WWRC

    Wisconsin Women’s Resource Center

  • WWWP

    Wisconsin Well Woman Program provides preventive health screening services to women with little or no health insurance coverage.


Last revised February 14, 2024