Acronym Glossary

Acronyms are often used by public and private agencies as timesaving, shorthand ways to communicate lengthy titles or basic concepts. This glossary provides a quick reference to the terms, acronyms and abbreviations commonly used by this Department.

Topics O

  • OAA

    Older Americans Act

  • OARS

    Opening Avenues to Reentry Success - Joint DHS and DOC program that assists inmates with mental health issues upon their release from WRC or a DOC facility.


    Old-Age; Survivors; and Disability Insurance Program payments; known as Social Security by the Social Security Administration (SSA) include SSA Retirement; Disability; Survivors benefits; and any other benefits covered in Title II of the Social Security Act.


    Outcome and Assessment Information Set

  • OBQI

    Outcome Based Quality Improvement

  • OBQM

    Outcome Based Quality Monitoring

  • OBRA

    Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act

  • OCI

    Office of the Wisconsin Commissioner of Insurance

  • OCMH

    Office of Children's Mental Health

  • OCQ

    Office of Caregiver Quality (DQA)

  • ODHH

    Office for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing.

  • OHI

    Office of Health Informatics in the Division of Public Health.

  • OIG

    Office of the Inspector General.

  • OLC

    DHS Office of Legal Counsel.

  • OMB

    Federal Office of Management and Budget; President's staff unit responsible within the executive branch of the federal government for budget development and review, and for management improvement.

  • OOA

    Office on Aging in the Bureau of Aging and Disability Resources within the Division of Public Health.


    Office of Preparedness and Emergency Health Care

  • OPIB

    Office of Policy Initiatives and Budget

  • OPPA

    Office of Policy and Practice Alignment in the Division of Public Health.

  • OPRI

    Office of Plan Review and Inspections

  • ORCD

    Office for Resource Center Development in the Bureau of Aging and Disability Resources under the Division of Public Health.

  • ORS

    Office of Refugee Services in DWD.

  • OSHA

    Occupational Safety and Health Administration in the U.S. Department of Labor.


Last revised February 14, 2024