FoodShare: At a Glance Dashboard - Case 1-Year Trend

Worried about the federal government shutdown?

DHS is closely monitoring all of the activities occurring at the federal level, including the possibility of a government shutdown. Our goal is to keep the public informed, especially our FoodShare members who receive vital nutrition assistance. In the event of a federal government shutdown on Friday, March 14, FoodShare members will still receive March benefits on their QUEST card on the normal schedule. They can use any benefits that are on their card to buy food during a shutdown. DHS will share information as it becomes available. For updates, visit the FoodShare News page.

This dashboard shows 12-month trends for FoodShare caseload data based on the month you choose.

How to use the dashboard

  1. Choose a filter in the gray bar in the dashboard.
    • Month Year filters all metrics on the dashboard according to that month. The earliest you can select is January 2017.
    • County of Residence filters all metrics to only show data for FoodShare cases and members living in that county.
  2. View the summary data at the top of the dashboard in the teal area, and find specific data points underneath the summary data.
  3. Hover over charts and graphs for more facts.

Helpful information

These definitions are sorted by question, and are ordered how they appear in the dashboard

Who received FoodShare benefits in Wisconsin?

Number of AGs

The count of all open FoodShare cases where at least person in the AG received benefits for the report month.

Number of first time AGs

The count of open FoodShare cases for the report month where the AG did not receive any benefits in the 60 months before the report month.

Average household size

The average number of people in AGs for the report month.

Percent of AGs who are EBD

The percent of AGs with at least one person who is EBD for the report month.

Percent of AGs with minors

The percent of AGs with at least one minor for the report month.

Total allotment

The dollar amount of FoodShare benefits assigned to an AG based on the financial and non-financial criteria used to determine FoodShare eligibility.

Average allotment per household

The average allotment sent to each AG for the report month.

Total issuance

The total FoodShare benefit issuance transactions that were sent to FIS (Wisconsin’s EBT card processor), regardless of the benefit period for which the amount was issued.

What was the FoodShare AGs household size?

Number of AGs and average AG household size (bar chart and line graph)

The number of AGs distributed by the average number of people in the household for each month in the last 12 months. AGs are duplicated across months, meaning if an AG is open for both January and February, it will show up twice – once under each month. Use the left vertical axis to see the number of AGs. The average household size is also displayed over the last 12 months. Use the right axis to see the average household size that corresponds to the line.

How many parents did households with minors have?

Number of AGs and number of parents (stacked bar chart)

The number of AGs with a minor distributed by the number of parents in the AG for each month in the last 12 months. The sum of each bar is the total number of AGs with minors in that month.

How many AGs had people who are EBD?

Percent of AGs who are EBD and average allotment for EBD AGs (stacked bar chart and line graph)

The percent of AGs with people who are EBD and the average allotment for AGs with people who are EBD for each month in the last 12 months.

The bar chart shows the percent of AGs with people who are EBD for each month of the last 12 months. The sum of each bar is the total number of AGs. Use the left vertical axis to see the number of AGs that corresponds with the percent.

The line graph shows the trend of average allotment for AGs with people who are EBD for the last 12 months. The right vertical axis shows the average allotment in dollars.

How many FoodShare AGs were first-time recipients?

Percent of first-time AGs (line graph)

The percent of AGs that were first-time recipients of benefits for each month in the last 12 months, relative to the total number of AGs. First-time recipients are those who have not received FoodShare benefits in the last 60 months before the report month.

How many working families received FoodShare?

Working families by number of parents (stacked bar chart)

The number and percent of working family AGs by one-parent and two-parent households for each month in the last 12 months. The sum of each bar is the total number of working family AGs for that month. Use the vertical axis to see the number of AGs that corresponds with the percent.

What was the average monthly earned income of an AG?

AGs with at least 1 person working (stacked bar chart)

The percent of AGs with at least one person working, and the percent of AGs with no people working, for each month in the last 12 months. The sum of each bar is the total number of AGs for that month. Use the vertical axis to see the number of AGs that corresponds with the percent.

AG average monthly earned income by household size (line graph)

The average monthly earned income (in dollars) of AGs, regardless of employment status, distributed by household size for each month in the last 12 months.

What was the allotment in the last 12 months?

Total FoodShare allotment and average monthly allotment per AG (bar chart and line graph)

The bar chart shows the total net FoodShare allotments (in millions of dollars) sent to all AGs for each month in the last 12 months.

The line graph shows the average monthly allotment (in dollars) sent to each AG for each month in the last 12 months.

What was the issuance in the last 12 months?

Total FoodShare benefit issuance and average monthly issuance per AG (bar chart and line graph)

The bar chart shows the total benefit issuance transactions (in millions of dollars) that were sent to FIS for each month in the last 12 months.

The line graph shows the average monthly issuance amount (in dollars) per AG over the last 12 months. Use the right vertical axis to see the average amount per AG that corresponds to the line.

  • Assistance Groups (AGs): Individuals who live in the same household, purchase and prepare food together, and pass all financial and non-financial eligibility criteria to receive FoodShare benefits. An Assistance Group is processed as one case. Some household members are required to be in the same assistance group, even if they are no purchasing and preparing meals together. Such as an adult, 18-21 years of age living with their parent.
  • Members: Individuals receiving FoodShare benefits.
  • Minor: A member is considered a minor if they are under the age of 18.
  • EBD: A member is considered EBD if they are elderly (60 years old or or older), blind, or have a disability.
  • Allotment: Dollar amount of FoodShare benefits assigned to an AG based on the financial and non-financial criteria used to determine FoodShare eligibility.
  • Issuance: FoodShare benefits issued to a household in a specific month. Benefits may be issued for that month or a different month.
  • Earned income: Income from current employment, self-employment, recently-ended employment, or strike pay.

To download and print a PDF of the dashboard:

  1. Filter the dashboard to the data you need.
  2. Select the download icon ( ) at the bottom of the dashboard.
  3. Select PDF.
  4. From the Include menu, choose This View.
  5. From the Scaling menu, choose At most 1 page wide.
  6. Select Download.
  7. Open the PDF and print it.


Last revised February 8, 2024