Wisconsin Governor’s Birth to 3 Program Interagency Coordinating Council

Upcoming meeting

January 22, 2025


The Wisconsin Birth to 3 Program Interagency Coordinating Council (ICC) was established by the Governor of Wisconsin to advise and assist the Department of Health Services (DHS) in the performance of the responsibilities established under Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Part C of IDEA regulates the establishment and responsibilities the council under Subpart G - State Interagency Coordinating Council. The mission of the ICC is to advise, review, analyze, and monitor the implementation of the State's early intervention system, maintain a forum for communication relative to early intervention and make recommendations to DHS regarding the effective implementation of the early intervention system.

Disclaimer about advisory council content

This content reflects the views and opinions of the advisory council. It may not reflect the official policy or position of DHS.


Last revised December 10, 2024