WCRS: Reporting Requirements

The materials available on this page are to be used in conjunction with other coding resources to report cancer cases to the Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System (WCRS). Links to coding resources and reference materials are provided in the manual, data dictionary, on the Coding Resources page.

Manual and data dictionary

In recent years, the WCRS Coding Manual underwent many revisions to simplify the contents and decrease duplication of information readily available in other standard-setter manuals. The manual was also split into two distinct portions – Reporting Manual and Data Dictionary. Historically, these sections had been combined in a single document. Cancer reporters should download and review all current materials.

Required data items

Lists of required data items are available in PDF and Excel formats. Unlike data dictionaries, these simply list the items in a tabular format, and do not include coding instructions or other information.

Historical reporting requirements


Data dictionaries

Required data items


Last revised November 25, 2024