Exceptional Expense Supplement for Members of Supplemental Security Income (SSI) in Wisconsin
View the SSI-E
This program is administered by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services and local agencies. It provides a monthly cash benefit to eligible SSI members.
What are SSI-E benefits?
A monthly cash benefit of up to $95.99 is added to the State SSI payment of each SSI member who meets the program requirements and is certified for the benefit by a county agency.
Who is eligible for SSI-E benefits?
- SSI members whose expenses are greater than the SSI-E payment level ($889.77 in 2013) and live in one of the following licensed or certified facilities:
- Foster home for children
- Group home for children
- Licensed or certified adult family/foster home
- Community based residential facility (CBRF) of 20 beds or less
- Certified residential care apartment complex (RCAC)
- SSI members who live in their own household or another's household who pay their share of household expenses and who need at least 40 hours of primary long-term support services each month.
How do SSI members apply for SSI-E?
SSI members who wish to apply for SSI-E should contact their local agency to request an assessment for SSI-E. The local agency will help them get an assessment and determine if the SSI member meets the SSI-E eligibility criteria.
The agency will let applicants what their decision is in writing. If approved, the applicant's State SSI payment will be increased.
Members have the right to appeal any action that lowers or ends their benefits. Learn more about requesting a
Division of Hearings and Appeals
PO Box 7875
Madison, WI 53707-7875