Real Talks Wisconsin: Partner Materials

Three people looking at a computer screen

We are working with people and organizations to change the conversation about substance use. Join us in building a healthy state where everyone has the opportunity to live their best lives.

Why was Real Talks Wisconsin created?
Real Talks Wisconsin: Backgrounder, P-03314A (PDF)

What are the key messages of Real Talks Wisconsin?
Real Talks Wisconsin: Talking Points, P-03314B (PDF)

What tips can I share with my community on how to have real talks?

Free printed copies of select Real Talks Wisconsin materials are available for distribution in your community while supplies last. Complete this online form to place your order.


Help people throughout Wisconsin understand the importance of talking about substance use, connecting people in need to treatment, and supporting recovery for everyone. Use these Real Talks Wisconsin materials in your community.

Promote Real Talks Wisconsin through online advertising or an image on a website using one of the 728x90 graphics below. If you have questions or concerns about these banner advertisements, send an email to

#1 - Download banner advertisement version 1

Two photos of people smiling and talking. To the right it says, "Talk about substance use. Get helpful advice from people who have been there. Real Talks Wisconsin. Get talk tips."

#2 - Download banner advertisement version 2

Two people smiling and talking. To the right it says, "Talk about substance use. What you say could change life. Real Talks Wisconsin. Get talk tips."

These advertisements are available in Spanish. Contact to get the Spanish files.

Promote Real Talks Wisconsin through outdoor advertising using the billboard designs below. Send an email to to get the billboard design file.

Talking about drugs saves lives
What you say could change a life. Open up about substance use.

These billboards are available in Spanish. Contact to get the Spanish files.

We encourage you to use the Real Talks Wisconsin campaign logo on materials you create promoting this campaign. When using the Real Talks Wisconsin logo on websites and social media, always include a link to the campaign website ( Additionally, the logo can serve as a hyperlink to the campaign website.

Real Talks Wisconsin - It takes all of us to help prevent and reduce substance use

Download the logo with the slogan

Real Talks Wisconsin

Download the logo without the slogan

Send an email to if this logo does not meet your needs.

Do not alter the logo in any way, including separating the elements or distorting its dimensions.

Promote Real Talks Wisconsin in church bulletins, employee/company newsletters, organization newsletters, school newsletters, and/or through email blasts. Use one of the drop-in articles below. If you have questions or concerns about these drop-in articles, send an email to

Real Talks Wisconsin: It takes all of us to help prevent and reduce substance use
Everyone has a role in preventing and reducing substance use. Knowing the facts about drugs and how they impact people and communities is the first step toward preventing and reducing substance use. Real Talks Wisconsin is an effort of the Wisconsin Department of Health Services and Wisconsin Department of Justice to provide the information Wisconsinites need to keep themselves, their families, and their communities healthy and safe. It promotes conversations on the impacts of substance use in order to build supportive communities where prevention works, treatment is available, and recovery can happen for everyone. Visit for the facts about substance use in Wisconsin, talk tips, and more.

Learn how to talk about drug use
Although substance use is common in Wisconsin, it is often not talked about or gets dismissed because of feelings of shame or wrongdoing. This stigma can prevent people from seeking help. Supportive, stigma-free environments focused on hope and healing are possible all across Wisconsin. How? By having real talks. Real talks are frequent open, honest, and caring conversations about substance use. Real talks are based on asking open-ended questions, having empathy, and helping to problem solve. They are the foundation of individual and community health and well-being. Visit for talk tips and more. Real Talks Wisconsin is an initiative of the Wisconsin Department of Health Services and Wisconsin Department of Justice.

Real Talks: Conversations about substance use make an impact
Substance use in Wisconsin continues to be a serious issue. It’s a crisis that touches all of us—affecting our families, communities, and workplaces. Yet many of us don’t talk about it. It’s understandable. Knowing what to say isn’t easy. Stigma, stereotypes, and feelings like embarrassment and fear can make it hard to open up about substance use. But you don’t have to do it alone. Real Talks Wisconsin can help.

Real Talks Wisconsin is an effort of the Wisconsin Department of Health Services and Wisconsin Department of Justice. The program provides Wisconsinites with the information they need to keep themselves, their families, and their communities healthy and safe. It promotes conversations on substance use because having open conversations helps build supportive communities where prevention works, treatment is available, and recovery can happen for everyone.

It is easy to think that people won't listen. But research shows they do. You can be the one to help keep the people you care about safe. Having real talks about substance use is an opportunity to provide real information and support. Nervous? Don't be. Conversations about substance use are easier than you think.

Here are a few tips to help you get started:

  • Find the right time and place. Choose a comfortable setting with limited distractions where you can both open up, like while taking a walk together or getting coffee.
  • Keep it casual. You don’t need to have a lot of facts or figures ready. Simply take a moment to think about what you want to discuss before diving in.
  • Learn to listen is important. Showing interest in what someone has to say is a simple way to demonstrate that you care. Give them your undivided attention, acknowledge their feelings, and try to understand their perspective.
  • Offer them support—not judgment. Pause before responding to what they say and think about how you can react with compassion. Instead of offering opinions, respond by asking a question about their experiences, their feelings, or what they need. Remind them that you'll always be there for them and why you’re glad they are in your life.
  • Stay connected. Helping a person doesn't happen overnight. Continue reaching out with offers to listen. Invite them to activities. Encourage them to talk to a health care professional, spiritual advisor, or other friend or relative if they don't want to talk with you.

Having real talks about substance use can make a positive difference in people’s lives—and in your community. Find more helpful information, including talk tips, support resources, and more at

Promote Real Talks Wisconsin on your local radio stations. Share these live read public service announcements with them. If you have questions or concerns about these live read public service announcements, send an email to

Real talks are real simple, and they can make a real difference in building healthy communities. Learn how conversations can prevent and reduce substance use in [community name]. Go to Sponsored by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Wisconsin Department of Justice, and [Local Organization Name].

Real talks can make a real difference in the lives of the people you care about and the well-being of your community. They offer connection, hope, and healing by reducing the feelings of shame or wrongdoing involving substance use. Nervous? Don't be. Real talks are easier than you may think. Get started today. Go to for talk tips and more. This message is sponsored by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Wisconsin Department of Justice, and [Local Organization Name].

Promote Real Talks Wisconsin in local media. Use the news release below. If you have questions or concerns about the news release, send an email to

Sample partner news release (Word)

Your local media may wish to interview you about Real Talks Wisconsin. To prepare for local media interviews, review the following resources:

Promote Real Talks Wisconsin through online advertising or an image on a website using the 600x600 graphics below. If you have questions or concerns about these online display advertisements, send an email to

#1 - Download online display advertisement version 1

Two people smiling with text that reads talk about substance use, get helpful advice from people who have been there. Get talk tips. Real Talks Wisconsin.

#2 - Download online display advertisement version 2

Two people talking and smiling with text that reads talk about substance use, what you say could change a life. Get talk tips. Real Talks Wisconsin.

These advertisements are available in Spanish. Contact to get the Spanish files.

Promote Real Talks Wisconsin through advertisements in print publications like newsletters and newspapers. Use the advertisements provided here. If you have questions or concerns about these printed/newspaper advertisements, send an email to

Quarter page advertisements

Half page advertisements

Promote Real Talks Wisconsin through advertisements on radio stations and streaming audio services. Use the audio files below. If you have questions or concerns about these radio and streaming audio advertisements, send an email to

:15 English
:30 English

Promote Real Talks Wisconsin on social media. Use the Facebook posts below. If you have questions or concerns about these Facebook posts, send an email to

Instagram posts are available. Email for the image files.


  • Download/save the image to your device.
  • Upload the image to your Facebook account
  • Use the text above the image to complete the post.

Post 1

Talking with a loved one about substance use isn’t as difficult as you might think. Real Talks Wisconsin can help you learn how to have calm, compassionate conversations about substance use. If you’re worried, don’t wait. Get started today: #RealTalksWI

Download image for Facebook post 1

Two adults talking outside

Post 2

Who should have real talks about substance use? All of us. Because prevention, harm reduction, treatment, and recovery can all start with caring #conversations. start with open, caring conversations. When we all know how to talk about substance use, we can all help strengthen and protect the people and community around us. Start here: #RealTalksWI

Download image for Facebook post 2

Adults talking at outdoor gathering

Post 3

#Conversation can be powerful. Having frequent, open real talks about substance use can give someone the information they need to make healthy choices and find support. You can make a real difference. Start here: #RealTalksWI

(Download image for Facebook post 3)

Two adults talking over coffee

Post 4

#Conversations about substance use can be filled with labels, misinformation, and hurtful stereotypes. Learn how to reduce #stigma in your conversations and #community now at: #RealTalksWI

(Download image for Facebook post 4)

Two adults talking on a bench

Post 5

From peer support groups to inpatient care, there are many different and effective paths for substance use recovery and support. Real Talks Wisconsin can help you understand the differences and connect with options that feel right for you or your loved one. Learn more: #RealTalksWI

Download image for Facebook post 5

Adult addressing a group

Post 6

We can all take small actions to prevent and reduce substance use, like having real talks with our loved ones and community, and securing and safely disposing of medications. You can even support policies that protect vulnerable populations. It all helps. Start here: #RealTalksWI

Download image for Facebook post 6

Two adults talking with hand on shoulder

Promote Real Talks Wisconsin on social media. Use the Facebook posts below. If you have questions or concerns about these Facebook posts, send an email to

Instagram posts are available. Email for the image files.


  • Download/save the image to your device.
  • Upload the image to your Facebook account
  • Use the text above the image to complete the post.

Post 1

HEALING STARTS WITH TALKING. Having real talks about substance use with the people in your life can help you build trust and find support--together. Find talk tips and support at: #RealTalksWI

Download Facebook talk tips image 1

Two photos of people smiling are shown with the Real Talks Wisconsin logo and branding

Post 2

LET THEM KNOW YOU CARE. Having open, nonjudgmental conversations about substance use can show loved ones you'll be there to help when they're ready. Get talk tips at: #RealTalksWI

Download Facebook talk tips image 2

Two photos of people smiling with the Real Talks Wisconsin logo and branding.

Promote Real Talks Wisconsin online using these short videos. These videos feature Wisconsin residents who are in recovery from a substance use disorder discussing the importance of real talks and the keys to having successful real talks. If you have questions or concerns about these videos, send an email to

:15 videos

Why talk

The power of listening

Having a real talk

:30 videos

Why talk

Importance of talks

Having a real talk

The power of listening

Being there and vulnerable

Getting help

Promote Real Talks Wisconsin at events. Hand out this wallet card. Contact for a print-ready file of this wallet card.

Promote our other initiatives!

Know the impact of substance use on Wisconsin residents and communities

We work closely with people working to prevent and reduce substance use to provide data on the use of substances across the state and the resulting consequences.

View substance use statistics


Last revised February 21, 2025