Informative Documents and Publications Library

Informative documents and publications produced by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services are available electronically and/or for paper order. Review the "Available to Order" column below to ensure availability in paper format. If the document is available to order in a paper version, there will be a "Yes" with a link to ordering instructions. When you are searching for a document, enter the number or a portion of the title in the search box below. To narrow your search results even more, place quotation marks (" ") around search terms.

If you are looking for an official form, visit our Official DHS Forms Library. If you need a file in another file format or can't find what you are looking for here, reach out to the Digital Communications Team at You can typically expect a response within 1-2 business days.

Assigned Number Title Sort descending Division Language Release Date File Type Available to Order
N/A CLTS Council County Representative Application Letter DMS English 10/2021 PDF
N/A CLTS Council Draft Minutes July 15, 2020 DMS English 12/2020 Word
N/A CLTS Council Draft Minutes October 14, 2020 DMS English 09/2022 PDF
N/A CLTS Council Parent Representative Letter DMS English 10/2021 PDF
N/A CLTS Council Preparing Youth with Disabilities to Work DMS English 12/2020 PDF
N/A CLTS Council Recommendations for Improving Support and Services 2014 DMS English 12/2020 PDF
N/A CLTS Council Recommendations for Supporting Families through CLTS Redesign DMS English 12/2020 PDF
N/A CLTS Council Redesign: A Foundation for a System of Children's Long-Term Support DMS English 12/2020 PDF
N/A CLTS Council Youth Employment Services (YES) Investment Recommendations DMS English 12/2020 PDF
N/A CLTS FS Five Attributes of Screen Quality Notes DMS English 05/2015 PDF
N/A CLTS FS Module 11 Slides DMS English 03/2015 PDF
N/A CLTS FS Six Basic Essentials DMS English 05/2015 PDF
N/A CLTS FS Webcast Module 01 DMS English 07/2015 PDF
N/A CLTS FS Webcast Module 02 DMS English 07/2015 PDF
N/A CLTS FS Webcast Module 03 DMS English 07/2015 PDF
N/A CLTS Guide to Amending Prior Authorizations DMS English 10/2024 PDF
N/A CLTS PA Response File Layout DMS English 01/2025 Excel
N/A CLTS Prior Authorization Inbound File Layout DMS English 07/2024 Excel
N/A CLTS Prior Authorization Response File Examples DMS English 03/2025 Excel
N/A CLTS Program: Enrollment Timeliness Compliance Project Presentation DMS English 11/2024 PDF
P-02785 CLTS Provider Recruitment Direct Care Worker Table Tent DMS English 09/2020 PDF
P-03073 CLTS Provider Recruitment Flyer DMS English 08/2021 PDF
P-02184A CLTS Rates_Adult Family Home Placement DPH English 02/2022 Excel
P-02184B CLTS Rates_Child Care DPH English 02/2022 Excel
P-02184C CLTS Rates_Community Integration Services DPH English 02/2022 Excel
P-02184D CLTS Rates_Community-Competitive Integrated Employment DPH English 02/2022 Excel
P-02184E CLTS Rates_Counseling and Therapeutic Services DPH English 02/2022 Excel
P-02184F CLTS Rates_Daily Living Skills Training DPH English 02/2022 Excel
P-02184-A-QG CLTS Rates_Day Services DPH English 02/2022 Excel
P-02184-A-QH CLTS Rates_Discovery and Career Planning DPH English 02/2022 Excel
P-02184I CLTS Rates_Financial Management Services DPH English 02/2022 Excel
P-02184J CLTS Rates_Grief and Bereavement Counseling DPH English 02/2022 Excel
P-02184K CLTS Rates_Health and Wellness DPH English 02/2022 Excel
P-02184-A-QL CLTS Rates_Mentoring DPH English 02/2022 Excel
P-02184M CLTS Rates_Participant and Family Directed Broker Services DPH English 02/2022 Excel
P-02184N CLTS Rates_Personal Supports DPH English 02/2022 Excel
P-02184O CLTS Rates_Respite DPH English 02/2022 Excel
P-02184P CLTS Rates_Safety Planning and Prevention DPH English 02/2022 Excel
P-02184Q CLTS Rates_Transportation DPH English 02/2022 Excel
P-02719 CLTS Recruitment Poster: Direct Care Workers DMS English 09/2020 PDF
P-02720 CLTS Recruitment Poster: Product Provider DMS English 09/2020 PDF
N/A CLTS Timely Filing Claim Processing Changes DMS English 06/2021 PDF
N/A CLTS Waiver Amendment DMS English 04/2019 PDF
N/A CLTS Waiver Program 1915(b)(4) Application DMS English 12/2021 PDF
N/A CLTS Waiver Program 1915(c) Renewal DMS English 12/2021 PDF
P-02552 CLTS Waiver Program County Waiver Agency (CWA) Provider Registry Gateway Desk Aid DMS English 11/2020 PDF
N/A CLTS Waiver Renewal Initiative Presentation DMS English 09/2021 PDF
N/A CLTS Waiver Renewal Special Topic Teleconference-Incident Reporting and Restrictive Measures DMS English 01/2022 PDF
N/A CLTS/WPS General Claim Submission Requirements DMS English 06/2017 PDF
N/A CMS Emergency Preparedness Rule Presentation DPH English 09/2022 PDF


Last revised December 4, 2024