Prediabetes: Partner Resources

With prediabetes—"pre" means now! 1920x1080

Connect with your community. Leverage our library of free and customizable promotional resources for partner programs. 

Simply download and use on websites, social media pages, and print outlets. In addition to the resources on this page, there are adaptable materials from the American Diabetes Association (ADA) that drive traffic to the prediabetes risk test as well as the Department of Health Services (DHS) prediabetes pages.

Social media posts

Use these resources across your social media channels.

  • Engage readers with a question.
  • Consider tagging in partners (if allowable).
  • Use hashtags sparingly, if at all. They create more visual clutter and are not generally used on this platform.
  • Keep in mind the best times to post to Facebook.
  • To find photos to post on Facebook, check out the “Instagram” and “DHS Photos” sections

Example posts

  • If you have prediabetes, making modest lifestyle changes now—like eating healthier, being more physically active, and reducing stress—can help you avoid the bigger changes that come with managing type 2 diabetes. Learn more.
  • Do you have prediabetes or other risk factors for type 2 diabetes? Reducing your weight by 5-7% reduces your risk. Learn more.
  • Are you at risk of developing type 2 diabetes? You can start taking small steps today towards reducing your risk. The best part? You don't have to go it alone! Learn more about the National Diabetes Prevention Program today.
  • One out of every three American adults has prediabetes. The scary part is that most of them don’t even know it. Take the 1-minute risk test today to see if you're at-risk.
  • While body weight can be related to health, being overweight isn't a guarantee of anything - including developing prediabetes or type 2 diabetes. Learn how to separate the myths from the truth.
  • Did you know that 34% of Wisconsinites have prediabetes? Roughly 78% of them have not been diagnosed. Could you be one of them? Take the 1-minute risk test today.
  • Many people who are diagnosed with diabetes feel as though they caused it. The reality is that health inequity plays a large role. Learn about the American Diabetes Association's Health Equity Bill of Rights today:
  • If left uncontrolled, prediabetes can turn into type 2 diabetes. You can stop it in its tracks by joining a National Diabetes Prevention Program today. Learn more.
  • Most of the 1.5 million Wisconsin adults with prediabetes don't know they have it. Learn more about the risks of prediabetes, how to reverse it, and take the 1-minute risk test.

  • Best times to post to Instagram
  • Instagram does not allow for clickable links in posts like Twitter or Facebook do. Instead, consider using a link aggregator for the link on your main profile, such as LinkTree (free). These aggregators allow for an unlimited number of links to be listed in addition to being able to track click-throughs.

Example posts

  • 1 in 3 American adults has #prediabetes. Are you one of them? Take the 1-minute risk test today.
  • Did you know that, if you've experienced trauma, you may be at higher risk of developing #Type2Diabetes? Learn what you can do today to lower your risk. #T2D #Prediabetes
  • While body weight can be related to health, being overweight isn't a guarantee of anything including #prediabetes or #Type2Diabetes. Learn how to separate the myths from the truth.
  • If you had gestational diabetes while pregnant, you're at higher risk of developing #Type2Diabetes. Learn how you can lower your risks today to be as well as possible. #Prediabetes #GestationalDiabetes
  • Did you know that 34% of Wisconsinites have #prediabetes? Roughly 78% of them are undiagnosed. Could you be one of them? Take the 1-minute risk test today.
  • You don’t have to spend hours at the gym to prevent #Type2Diabetes. Small changes can make a big difference! Try taking the stairs instead of the elevator or going on a walk during lunch: #Prediabetes
  • Most of the 1.5 million Wisconsin adults with prediabetes don't know they have it. Learn more about the risks of prediabetes, how to reverse it, and take the 1-minute risk test.
  • If you’re one of the 1 in 3 Wisconsinites with prediabetes, eating less healthy foods could be doing lasting damage. Take steps like Chuck does to add fresh vegetables into your rotation. It’s a great way to balance your diet! Learn more tips to take control of your health at
  • Did you know that stress could be impacting your risk for type 2 diabetes and other health conditions? Learn more about healthy changes you can make today to lessen your risk for diabetes.

  • Keep messages brief. While there are 280 characters you can use, do not feel like you must do so. Effective tweets are often shorter.
  • A strong hook can grab attention right away, whether with words or graphics.
  • Use active language.
  • Keep in mind the best times to post to Twitter.
  • To find photos to post on Twitter, check out the “Instagram” and “DHS Photos” sections

Example posts

  • 1 in 3 American adults has #prediabetes. Are you one of them? Take the 1-minute risk test today.
  • Did you know that, if you've experienced trauma, you may be at higher risk of developing #Type2Diabetes? Learn what you can do today to lower your risk. #T2D #Prediabetes
  • While body weight can be related to health, being overweight isn't a guarantee of anything including #prediabetes or #Type2Diabetes. Learn how to separate the myths from the truth.
  • If you had gestational diabetes while pregnant, you're at higher risk of developing #Type2Diabetes. Learn how you can lower your risks today to be as well as possible. #Prediabetes #GestationalDiabetes
  • Did you know that 34% of Wisconsinites have #prediabetes? Roughly 78% of them are undiagnosed. Could you be one of them? Take the 1-minute risk test today.
  • You don’t have to spend hours at the gym to prevent #Type2Diabetes. Small changes can make a big difference! Try taking the stairs instead of the elevator or going on a walk during lunch: #Prediabetes
  • If left uncontrolled, prediabetes can turn into type 2 diabetes. You can stop it in its tracks by joining a National Diabetes Prevention Program today. Learn more.
  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome can increase your risks for diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. Learn more about the risks of PCOS:
  • Most of the 1.5 million Wisconsin adults with prediabetes don't know they have it. Learn more about the risks of prediabetes, how to reverse it, and take the 1-minute risk test.
  • If you’re one of the 1 in 3 Wisconsinites with prediabetes, eating less healthy foods could be doing lasting damage. Take steps like Chuck does to add fresh vegetables into your rotation. It’s a great way to balance your diet! Learn more tips to take control of your health at
  • Did you know that stress could be impacting your risk for type 2 diabetes and other health conditions? Learn more about healthy changes you can make today to lessen your risk for diabetes.


  • redirects to the main DHS prediabetes page. For accessibility, consider typing it as it is listed here, with a capital P, D, W, and I.
  • is the vanity link to the prediabetes risk test. This link allows us to capture de-identified demographic data in partnership with the American Diabetes Association, including zip code (when entered).


While you can use hashtags on Facebook, they are vital to use on Twitter and Instagram. This is by no means an exhaustive list of possible tags to use.

  • #T1D, #Type1Diabetes
  • #T2D, #Type2Diabetes
  • #GestationalDiabetes
  • #Diabetes
  • #Diabetic
  • #Prediabetes
  • #DiabetesPrevention
  • #StopDiabetes
  • #DiabetesLife
  • #DiabetesCommunity
  • #LivingWithDiabetes
  • #DiabetesCare
  • #DiabetesManagement
  • #DiabetesEmpowered
  • #ChangingDiabetes
  • #StayingHealthyWithDiabetes
  • #DiabetesAwareness
  • #DiabetesAlertDay - fourth Tuesday in March
  • #DiabetesAwarenessMonth - November
  • #WorldDiabetesDay - November 14
  • #Insulin
  • #InsulinDependent
  • #Hyperglycemia
  • #Ketoacidosis
  • #BloodSugar
  • #HealthyLifestyle
  • #WeightLoss
  • #Obesity

Please be mindful using these hashtags, especially if you are not linking to materials that will be accessible for the Spanish-speaking population.

  • #DiabetesTipo1 - Type 1
  • #DiabetesTipo2 - Type 2
  • #DiabetESP - an overarching tag for Spanish speakers with diabetes
  • #ConDiabetesSePuede - "With diabetes you can" is an empowering hashtag
  • #VivirConDiabetes - "Living with diabetes" is also an empowering hashtag

To download an image, click the link below the image, then right click on the image and choose "save image as...."

From DHS

Carousel photos

To get the carousel effect for the below photos, you will need to upload each photo to the same post. These can be used on Facebook, on Twitter, and on Instagram.

From the American Diabetes Association (ADA)

Diabetes: Your future is her future

The ADA has provided DHS with a number of graphics that direct viewers to the risk test or main prediabetes page.

For more information, contact the Chronic Disease Prevention Program at

From the CDC

Public Health Image Library

Social media and communication

Tips for creating graphics

  • Make sure that you use plenty of white or negative space.
  • Craft your graphics in a way that creates a path for the eye to follow.
  • Think with accessibility in mind. Use easy-to-read fonts. Consider color contrast. Include alt-text or an image description when posting or sharing your graphic.
  • Clearly label any charts, tables, and graphs shown.

Health equity resources


From DHS

From DHS for National National Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) suppliers

You can edit the below PDFs using Adobe Acrobat. Adobe Acrobat Reader will not allow you to edit. You can also utilize online tools such as Sejda, or, if you have a Mac, you can edit PDFs using built-in features. If you need additional help, contact the Chronic Disease Prevention Team at

From PreventT2 for national DPP suppliers

Read the Visual and Written Standards and their How-to Guide before using Prevent T2 materials. The full Prevent T2 curricula is available from the CDC.

From DHS

Prediabetes FAQ Fact Sheet – In English, Spanish, and Hmong. Available in digital and print ready versions. 

From the CDC

Fotonovela (Spanish and English): Do it for them! But for you too (PDF)

From PreventT2 for national DPP suppliers

Please read the Visual and Written Standards and their How-to Guide before using Prevent T2 materials. The full Prevent T2 curricula is available from the CDC.

From DHS

From DHS for national DPP suppliers

You can edit the below PDFs using Adobe Acrobat. Adobe Acrobat Reader will not allow you to edit. You can also utilize online tools such as Sejda, or, if you have a Mac, you can edit PDFs using built-in features. If you need additional help, please contact the Chronic Disease Prevention Team at

From PreventT2 for national DPP suppliers

Spanish-language Palm Card (PDF)

Community/media/public relations

Access a wide range of content sources for press releases, newsletter articles, and more.

From PreventT2 for national DPP suppliers

Sample Press Release (PDF)

From PreventT2 for national DPP suppliers

Sample Articles (PDF)

From PreventT2 for national DPP suppliers

Web Content (PDF)


To download an image, click the link below the image, then right click on the image and choose "save image as…"

Close up of hands typing on a laptop

Questions? Reach out

If you would like access to these or need any assistance with the promotional resources below, contact us at

Take the first step

Understanding what prediabetes is and who is most at risk is the first step. You can also learn about the dangerous myths that make prediabetes seem more harmless than it is, find out what you can do to reduce your risk, and more.


Last revised February 14, 2025