Wisconsin Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity State Plan - Worksite

Worksites are a prime setting to implement obesity prevention strategies. Employees often spend the majority of their waking hours in their worksite, an environment where a number of policy, environmental and behavioral strategies are modifiable. Moving forward on preventing obesity in the worksite setting will involve expanding current efforts to train worksites on effective wellness strategies in the Wisconsin Worksite Wellness Resource Kit and identifying and recruiting additional outreach partners and trainers.

Worksite Strategies, P-00507-8work (PDF)

View the objectives and full list of strategies for implementation in the worksite setting.

Key strategies overview

  1. Implement comprehensive worksite wellness programs using evidence-based strategies.
  2. Promote, support and develop more worksite wellness efforts that are statewide, regional or city-wide initiatives such as Well City® Initiatives.
  3. Establish a network that encourages professional development and sharing of ideas and information on worksite wellness (networking, learning circles, etc.)

Integrating Wellness at Work: Video Success Story

Integrating Wellness at Work (Trane Corp.)

Employees say their mood is improved, they feel good, as if they've accomplished something, and appreciate the team aspect.

Businesses create value when they encourage and support healthy choices at work.


Worksite Wellness Cover

Select Worksite Resources for ideas and materials to implement key strategies, such as the Worksite Wellness Resource Kit.

Key Points: Comprehensive worksite wellness programs have a 5:1 return on investment.

For every $1 spent, the worksite will save $5 due to decreased health care costs, lower absenteeism and improved productivity.

Waking hour activities

Chart displaying activities during awake hours.

Data: The worksite is a great venue for wellness since most adults spend the majority of their time in the worksite setting.

Many factors can be modified in the worksite setting to improve the health and well-being of employees.


Last revised January 7, 2025