Nutrition and Physical Activity Links
Educational and Participatory Programs
FoodWIse employs a combination of evidence-based educational strategies, accompanied by environmental supports, designed to facilitate voluntary adoption of healthy food choices and active lifestyles.
Information on a variety of nutrition topics, including daily tips for healthier eating, fad diets, and links to registered dietitians in your area.
Physical Activity
- Making Physical Activity Part of Your Life – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Basic information about physical activity.
Basic exercise information including fitness brochures, including information on selecting equipment, personal trainers, etc.
- Articles on physical activity for older adults:
Special programs for:- Walking
- Sports
- Working out
- Getting motivated
- Advice for professionals working with older adults
Clinical Guidelines for Overweight and Obesity
- Adults: Clinical guidelines for the identification, evaluation, and treatment of adult overweight and obesity
- Children and Adolescents: Clinical guidelines for identifying childhood overweight by Body Mass Index-for-Age
- Robert Wood Johnson - Active Living, Obesity and Nutrition
Articles on active living and modifying the environment through land use planning. Includes interactive tools such as walkability and bikeability checklists to rate your community. - Action for Healthy Kids
- Wisconsin Local Coalition Websites