Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity: Alphabetical Topic Listing
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- Active Living by Design - Active Living by Design is a national program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and is a part of the UNC School of Public Health in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. This program establishes innovative approaches to increase physical activity through community design, public policies and communications strategies.
- Afterschool Active Hours - Site for resources, tools and information around activity, nutrition, and more to help afterschool providers and advocates.
- Alliance for a Healthier Generation - Tools and information created by a partnership between the American Heart Association and the William J. Clinton Foundation to fight childhood obesity.
- American Dietetic Association - Accurate and up-to-date nutrition information and tips, including how to locate a Registered Dietitian in your area.
- American Public Health Association - Information on legislation, advocacy, and policy issues concerning the public's health; information on overweight and obesity.
- American Obesity Association - Comprehensive site that includes information on advocacy issues, news updates, and fact sheets on overweight and obesity.
Bikeability (PDF) - Rate how friendly your community is for biking.
Biking maps - County road maps of Wisconsin.
Biking route - Map and measure your own route. Use this tool to view a map and create your own biking route. The tool lets you choose the route and automatically calculates the distance.
Bicycle Federation of Wisconsin - Information on bicycling events and opportunities in Wisconsin.
BMI (Body Mass Index) calculator - Calculate your BMI.
- BMI-for-Age (Body Mass Index) Charts; BMI-for-age charts are recommended to assess weight in relation to height for children and youth ages 2 to 20 years; used to determine childhood overweight.
BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) calculator - Calculate how many calories you burn per day.
Breastfeeding - Information and materials.
Breastfeeding - Ten Steps to Breastfeeding-Friendly Child Care Centers Resource Kit P-00022 (PDF)
Bright Futures (for Health Professionals) - Current information on screening, assessment, and counseling for nutrition and physical activity.
Calories burned per hour P-40109 (PDF) - A list of calories burned per hour for common sports and daily activities
Cardiovascular Health - Information about heart disease and stroke prevention from the Department of Health Services.
Choose My Plate - Visit this interactive website for a personal diet plan, as well as tips and suggestions for eating healthier and being physically active.
Coalitions (PDF) - List of Nutrition and Physical Activity coalitions in Wisconsin.
Coalition Websites - List of websites for Nutrition and Physical Activity coalitions in Wisconsin.
Community: Active Community ToolKit.
Community Toolbox - Materials for connecting people and resources; coalition building.
Cut Down on Added Sugars (PDF) - Information about added sugars and how you can limit your intake.
Cut Down on Saturated Fats (PDF) – Information about saturated fats and how you can limit your intake.
Cut Down on Sodium (PDF) – Information about sodium and how you can limit your intake.
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Data – Basic facts on US and Wisconsin physical activity and obesity:
CDC – Physical activity data
CDC – Weight data (normal weight, overweight and obesity data)
Diabetes Prevention and Control Program - Link to the State of Wisconsin Diabetes Prevention and Control Program.
- Dietary Guidelines 2020-2025 (PDF): Full report on federal dietary recommendations including adequate nutrients, weight management, physical activity, food groups to encourage, fats, carbohydrates, sodium and potassium, alcoholic beverages and food safety. The report also includes key recommendations for specific population groups.
- Dietary Recommendations for Children and Adolescents - Accurate nutritional advice for health professionals when counseling children ages 2 to 11.
- Disability: The National Center of Physical Activity and Disability - Information center concerned with physical activity and disability. Find descriptions of research projects, programs, newsletter, articles, and photos.
Environment - Tips and tools on how to create a good environment for physical activity, particularly walking and biking (Active Living Leadership).
Faithful Families Thriving Communities - Aspects of a faith-based intervention created by North Carolina's Nutrition and Physical Activity Program.
Family Physical Activity Brochure (PDF) - Ten Tips: Be an Active Family - A Helpful Guide for Parents, Spanish Version (PDF).
Farmers Market Toolkit (PDF) - A resource page and guide that describes how to set up a farmers market.
- Food and Nutrition Information Center - Useful and accurate information for health professionals, teachers, and parents.
- Food Guide - - Find a personalized plan with recommendations for healthier eating. Visit this interactive website for a personal plan, as well as tips and suggestions for eating healthier and being physically active. (ChooseMyPlate replaced the Food Guide Pyramid.)
- Food Guides for Children - Includes free, printable food guides for children and tips for using ChooseMyPlate.
- Food Labels - General information and educational tools about food labels.
- Foods to Avoid - Sugary drinks, salty foods, and “Xtreme”-calorie restaurant meals are among the things you should eat less of.
- Fruit and Vegetables - How to Use Fruits and Vegetables to Help Manage Weight (PDF) CDC research showing evidence that eating fruits and vegetables can help with weight management.
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- "Got Dirt?" P-40112 (PDF) - A program designed to help implement gardens in school, community, and child care settings.
- Got Veggies? P-00228 (PDF) - A garden-based nutrition education curriculum with the goal of getting children to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. Got Veggies? features seven full lesson plans that are aligned with Wisconsin 's Model Academic Standards for Nutrition, Health, Science, and other related subjects. Shorter garden-based activities are also included, as well as fun recipes and helpful tips for cooking and eating in the garden. This curriculum provides an all-around great way to nurture student interest in growing and eating fresh fruits and vegetables!
- Graphs - Basic graphs on US and Wisconsin physical activity and obesity data
- Healthfinder - Guide to reliable health information on prevention, wellness, diseases and conditions, and access to a medical dictionary (in Spanish and English). ;
- Heart Healthy Recipes
- How much physical activity do older adults need?
- How to select and use home weights (PDF)
- How to select and use a personal trainer (PDF)
Ingredients of Concern: Get the facts about artificial food dyes, fake sweeteners, caffeine, and other commonly used food ingredients.
Interactive Nutrition Tools: These interactive resources help consumers and professionals with dietary assessment, diet planning, and checking personal health risks
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Kids - Recommendations for physical activity for children (PDF).
- Kid-Friendly Nutrition Education - Includes tips on healthy eating, interactive nutrition games, snack and recipe ideas.
Make Your Calories Count - A learning program that gives consumers information to help plan a healthy diet while managing calorie intake. Learn how to use the food label to help decide which food choice is right for you.
Menu Planner - An interactive menu planner designed to guide daily food and meal choices based on your daily calorie allowance. For directions on how to use the Menu Planner, click on About the Menu Planner.
More Matters: Fruit and Veggies - National brand to encourage increased consumption of these healthful and delicious foods. The site has tips, menus, children's activities and other tools.
- National Eating Disorder Association - Information on detecting eating disorders such as anorexia, binge eating, and bulimia.
Nutrition - CDC Nutrition Home Page.
Nutrition Facts Label Brochure - A colorful brochure with information about how to read and what to look for in food labels.
- - Federal government clearinghouse with nutrition information from multiple government agencies.
- Nutrition for Kids - Useful information for parents and teachers, and fun activities for kids.
- Nutrition Standards for Foods in Schools (PDF) - Standards published by the USDAL Food and Nutrition Service about appropriate nutritional standards for foods at school.
- Obesity in Children and Adolescents: Screening - Key recommendations on screening and interventions for overweight children and adolescents, including clinical considerations and future research directions.
- Obesity trends - CDC overview of obesity trends including a PowerPoint presentation showing visual evidence of the increase in obesity 1985-2002.
- Office of Minority Health - Information on funding opportunities, health disparities, and minority health resources.
Overweight and Obesity - CDC Home Page
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Physical Activity Basics - National recommendations.
Portion size and weight management - (PDF) CDC research on how large portion sizes have contributed to weight gain among Americans. This section also offers ideas to practitioners about how to counsel their patients or clients about portion size.
Portion Distortion Quiz - Learn how portion sizes have changed over the years, which may be a contributing factor to the current rise of overweight and obesity.
Prescription for a Healthier You - (PDF) A "prescription" sheet that can be used by health care providers to prescribe healthy lifestyle changes for their patients.
Restaurants - A searchable list of restaurants in Wisconsin that feature healthy menu options.
Return on Investment Calculator for Worksite Wellness: Use the calculator to project the impact of evidence-based wellness programs on health care costs, productivity, and absenteeism at your worksite.
- Safe Routes to Schools - Learn more about how to establish a Safe Routes to School program for your school or district. See these sites for more information: Federal Safe Routes for background information, California Safe Routes for materials, Wisconsin Safe Routes for state information and contacts.
- School Nutrition Association (formerly the American School Food Service Association) - Information on school lunches and improving nutrition in the school environment, as well as continuing education opportunities for child nutrition professionals.
- School Nutrition Information - Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Team Nutrition website.
- School Obesity Prevention Recommendation List - Obesity prevention recommendations for the school setting, based on a review of expert guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Institute of Medicine, the Alliance for a Healthier Generation, the World Health Organization, and others.
- School Wellness Policies - A set of model school wellness policies developed by the National Alliance for Nutrition and Activity.
- School Snacks - Healthy school snack ideas for parents, teachers, after-school programs, and other caregivers.
- Talk to Your Patients and Clients About Healthy Eating Routines (PDF) - A guide for professionals in a medical or dietary setting to help their patients and clients learn more about way to eat healthy.
- Team Nutrition - USDA's Team Nutrition program promotes lifelong healthy eating and physical activity; includes extensive resources for teachers and students.
- Teenager's Guide to Better Health - Provides basic tips on healthy eating and being physically active.
- The Truth Behind Weight Loss Ads: A reference guide from the Federal Trade Commission on evaluating weight loss claims.
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Walkability / Bikeability checklist, P-00399 (PDF) Rate how friendly your community is for walking.
Walking route - Map and measure your own route. Use this tool to view a map and create your own walking route. The tool lets you choose the route and automatically calculates the distance.
- Weight Control Information Network - Provides health professionals and consumers with evidence-based information on obesity, weight control, and nutrition.
- Weight Training - This site contains animated demonstrations of how to use free-weight equipment and provides sample workout sheets to record your weightlifting activities.
- What Works in Worksites, P-40133 (PDF) - A two-page summary of evidence-based and promising strategies that focus on helping people eat healthier and be more active in the work place. For more information on how to use these strategies in your community, go to the Wisconsin Worksite Wellness Resource Kit.
- Wisconsin Nutrition and Physical Activity State Plan - This is a long-range planning document focusing on the best ways to be active, eat well and prevent obesity. The complete plan and an executive summary are available.
Wisconsin School Health Award - Information on how to make your school a healthier place and how to apply for the School Health Award.
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