Lead-Safe Wisconsin: Universal Testing

Universal testing means all children should get at least two lead tests by age 2. Children age 3 to 5 should get tested if they have no record of a previous test. Starting January 2024, Wisconsin recommends* testing:

  • All children at age 1.
  • All children again at age 2.
  • Any children between ages 3 to 5 without a previous test.

*These recommendations match the federal Medicaid requirement. Additional testing may be recommended in the city of Milwaukee.

Additionally, all children under 17 years of age can be tested if:

  • Their parent or guardian expresses concern about lead exposure or asks for their child to be tested for lead poisoning.
  • Their health care provider becomes aware of possible lead exposure or lead poisoning risk factors.
  • They are a newly arrived refugee. CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) recommends testing at arrival and again three to six months after the initial test.

You can't tell if an object has lead just by looking at it. Testing children for lead is the only way to make sure they are not being exposed. Read more about sources of lead exposure on our Sources of Lead and Lead in Consumer Products pages. Learn about how adults can bring lead home from work on our Protecting Adults from Lead Exposure page.

Wisconsin Childhood Blood Lead Testing Recommendations, P-03557 (PDF) summarizes the new recommendations for providers and families.

Answers to frequently asked questions

You can find answers to frequently asked questions about universal testing below. We will update this page as we receive more questions. If you have a question or concern you don't see listed on this page, email DHSLeadPoisoningPrevention@dhs.wisconsin.gov

Wisconsin-specific questions

Testing and follow-up questions

Universal testing questions

Last revised November 5, 2024