Lead-Safe Wisconsin: Pediatric Lead Testing and Reporting
The only way to know if a child is experiencing lead poisoning is with a blood lead test. Many 1- and 2-year-olds may not show the effects of lead poisoning until later in life, and it is hard to tell if a child is being exposed to lead hazards.
Lead poisoning can impact:
- Brain development.
- Behavior.
- Growth.
- Learning potential.
- Lifelong health.
Children are at risk for lead poisoning when they’re exposed to lead hazards, often lead dust or lead-based paint in homes and childcare centers built before 1978.
Fewer kids received blood lead level testing during COVID-19
A 2021 report from the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and
Wisconsin is working with primary care providers to improve blood lead testing, so we can identify and help more kids poisoned by lead.
See data on the number of kids in Wisconsin tested each year, by age.
Talk with your health care provider about getting a blood lead test for your children.
As of January 1, 2024, the Wisconsin Blood Lead Testing Recommendations, P-03557 (PDF) encourage health care providers to practice universal blood lead testing for Wisconsin children. Learn more about universal testing on our Lead-Safe Wisconsin: Universal Testing page.
Wisconsin recommends* testing:
- All children at age 1.
- All children again at age 2.
- Any children between ages 3 to 5 without a previous test.
*These recommendations match the federal Medicaid requirement. Additional testing may be recommended in the city of Milwaukee or for any child under age 17 with risk factors for lead poisoning.
Information for parents on blood lead testing
- If you do not have a health care provider, contact your local health department or WIC clinic to discuss their available services for blood lead testing.
- Blood Lead Levels in Children: What Do You Need to Know to Protect Children?
(PDF) - Childhood Lead Poisoning: What You Should Know about Your Child’s Blood Lead Test Results
(PDF) (PDF) - Look Out for Lead – Parents, P-44535A
Information for health care providers on blood lead testing
According to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, all Medicaid children are considered at high risk for lead poisoning. That’s why there is a federal rule requiring children enrolled in Medicaid to receive blood lead testing. It’s part of the program’s Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT, also known as HealthCheck) services.
Children in Medicaid must receive a blood lead test at 12 months and 24 months. If they’re older than 24 months—and up until they turn 6—they must receive a blood lead test if they don’t have a record of a previous test.
Children enrolled in Medicaid in Wisconsin are three times more likely to be lead poisoned than children who don’t have Medicaid. Children from low-income families in Wisconsin are at greater risk for lead poisoning—largely because they have limited housing options. If all children on Medicaid receive age-appropriate testing, it is likely that additional children will be identified as lead poisoned and have access to the interventions they need.
Data on testing for children in Medicaid
The Wisconsin Medicaid Program works with the Wisconsin Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program (WCLPPP) to collect data on blood lead testing and lead poisoning among children in Medicaid. Despite the testing requirement, the data show that many Wisconsin children enrolled in Medicaid are not tested at the correct ages.
According to the 2021 data:
Total enrolled: 27,354
Total tested: 16,971
Percent tested: 62%
Total enrolled: 35,707
Total tested: 13,840
Percent tested: 39%
3- to 5-year-olds not tested previously
Total enrolled: 26,518
Total tested: 2,492
Percent tested: 9%
The Wisconsin Blood Lead Registry, or Lead Registry, is a web-based tool that lets primary care providers and other health care professionals check a child’s blood lead testing history online at any time. The Lead Registry is linked to the Wisconsin Immunization Registry and updated with new blood lead test results each week by the WCLPPP. That includes tests performed at all locations, including WIC and Head Start sites, and doctors’ offices.
The Lead Registry can help health care providers easily identify children who haven’t been tested for blood lead poisoning or are due for a follow-up test.
If your organization would like access to the Lead Registry, choose someone to be your site administrator. That person should complete these forms:
- Wisconsin Blood Lead Registry Organization Security and Confidentiality Agreement, F-00116 (PDF)
- Wisconsin Blood Lead Registry User Security and Confidentiality Agreement, F-00103 (PDF)
Your site administrator will need to fill out one user agreement form for each person who wants Registry access. When they’re finished, they can email the completed forms to DHSLeadPoisoningPrevention@
For more information about the Lead Registry, contact the Wisconsin Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program at DHSLeadPoisoningPrevention@
State law Wis. Stat. § 254.13
The WCLPPP implements the reporting rule through a lab-based system. It also works directly with labs to make sure all results are reported.
Under Wis. Admin. Code ch. 181 – Reporting of Blood Lead Test Results
Health care providers that perform onsite blood lead testing using LeadCare II are responsible for reporting results to the WCLPPP. You can use the Blood Lead Lab Reporting form, F-00017 in these cases or something similar for reporting.
For more information on reporting blood lead test results for children, email DHSLeadPoisoningPrevention@