Lead-Safe Wisconsin: Amending a Risk Assessment Report

When updating (or amending) a risk assessment, be sure to follow these steps. The instructions provided below are for a complete reevaluation of the risk assessment after a significant amount of time. Some steps may be skipped for more recent amendments (for example, returning for missed samples).

Reminder—do not remove or replace any information from the original assessment.

Add the newest risk assessment information below the original information.

For example, below the original risk assessment’s date and time, add “Updated Report [date], [time].” Repeat the same steps to add the name and certification information for each person conducting the new risk assessment.

At the end of this section, include a statement explaining the reason the report is being amended or the risk assessment updated.

For example, “On [date], a new assessment of this property was conducted to meet the funding requirements of [name of program]. The program requires enrolled properties to have a risk assessment conducted within the past year.”

At the end of this section, include a statement, “On [date], a new visual assessment was conducted of the entire property. Information and sample results from the original risk assessment were reviewed during the new risk assessment. All new sample results and findings are listed below.”

Tell the reader how to know if it is a new sample result and finding (for example, new results are in a different color or found in the tables identified by date).

At the end of this section, include a statement such as “On [date], all areas previously inaccessible were still not able to be assessed” or “On [date], previously inaccessible areas [list areas] were able to be assessed.”

Be sure to review the original questionnaire with the occupants as information may have changed.

Note in the report the questionnaire was reviewed and updated during the current risk assessment.

Be sure to update this section if it is found that the owner did new maintenance or made repairs but did not hire a contractor to do all of the ordered work.

Indicate what was done and whether the repair is adequate.

Be sure to note the date of the visual assessment that identified new potential hazards.

For example, "On [date] a visual survey of the property and structure was conducted, and new potential lead hazards were identified" or "On [date] a visual survey of the property and structure was conducted, and no new potential lead hazards were identified.”

Also note any hazards that have been corrected since the last risk assessment.

If building conditions have changed, note it in the comment box. Be sure to note the date of the change (for example, correct by [date] or new condition as of [date]).

Insert new tables under the original tables showing the new date and results of the sample analysis.

Be sure to include the following statement at the end of the original section, “On [date] a [name and model of the XRF instrument] serial number [xxx] was used to test deteriorated surfaces.”

Insert new XRF calibration readings with the date of the new readings under the previous calibration check readings.

Insert new XRF tables with the new date under the previous results for each location. Reminder: Do not modify or delete any of the previous results or location notes.

If any hazards originally listed have been corrected, make a comment indicating that it has been corrected.

If new hazards are identified, list them under the appropriate location heading by adding the date of the new assessment at the end of the original list and then add the new hazards.

Revise the hazard control options based on current findings and program requirements.

Depending on the template, this may be on the cover page: Attach a new statement after the original signature(s) that states: “This report has been produced in accordance with accepted guidelines. New measurements within this updated report are accurate to the best of my knowledge and reflect conditions at the time of the assessment.”

Provide signature a line for each certified person that conducted the new assessment to sign and date.

  • Performance Characteristics Sheet (PCS): Remember to include the PCS for each XRF used during the risk assessments.
  • Floor plan: Be sure to update the floor plans with new sample locations. Attach the new floor plans after the original floor plans.
  • Laboratory results: Include all laboratory results. Attach the new lab results after the original.
  • Photos: Clearly mark new photos with the date to avoid confusion with the original photos.


Last revised February 11, 2025