ICA Toolkit for Adult Long-Term Care Provider Enrollment

All providers and vendors of home and community-based services under an adult long-term care (LTC) waiver program must enroll with Wisconsin Medicaid through the ForwardHealth Portal by January 1, 2026. IRIS consultant agencies (ICAs) and IRIS consultants are key partners to communicate this new requirement to IRIS participants so they are empowered to talk with their providers and vendors about it.

We need your help. IRIS consultants must talk with IRIS participants about this new enrollment process during their in-person visits. As an IRIS consultant, DHS is requiring you to use the following resources to talk with participants and give them materials to share with their providers and vendors.

 Materials you're required to share

How to use it

  • Add a link to it on your website
  • Share it in an email or newsletter
  • Give printed copies of it to IRIS participants during in-person visits

Get the provider flyer

Adult Long-Term Care Provider Enrollment Flyer Cover Preview

Download the provider flyer (PDF)

How to use it

Use during your conversation with IRIS participants to explain the new enrollment process

Get the ICA talking points

Cover Preview of ICA Talking Points for Adult Long-Term Care Provider Enrollment

Download the ICA talking points (PDF)

How to use it

  • Add a link to it on your website
  • Share it in an email or newsletter
  • Give printed copies of it to IRIS participants during in-person visits

Get the IRIS tip sheet

Cover Preview of IRIS Participant Tip Sheet for Adult Long-Term Care Provider Enrollment

Download the IRIS tip sheet (PDF)

How to use it

  • Add a link to it on your website
  • Share it in an email or newsletter
  • Give printed copies of it to IRIS participants during in-person visits

Get the IRIS participant talking points

Cover Preview of IRIS Participant Talking Points for Adult Long-Term Care Provider Enrollment

Download the IRIS participant talking points (PDF)

Please do not download and save the materials in the table above. Make sure to access these materials using the links above each time you want to use them! DHS will refresh the content throughout the year, so providers are always seeing something new and fresh.

If you have questions, feedback, or other ideas for increasing early enrollment, email us at LTCProviderEnrollment@wisconsin.gov. We also encourage you to sign up for the Adult LTC Waiver Provider email list to get news and resources.


Last revised March 17, 2025