GEARS: How to Access and Use the CARS Payment List and GEARS Payment Reports

Accessing the Payment Reports

Both CARS and GEARS provide a payment listing/report. This page will show you how to navigate both.

  • The CARS Payments Listing enumerates payments for vouchers 92314 and before, those issued prior to June 30, 2023.
  • The GEARS Payment Report lists payments issued on or after July 1, 2023.
  • From the GEARS Home Page, select CARS/GEARS Reports/System Messages.

This will take you to The CARS and GEARS Data Queries screen.

CARS/GEARS Data Queries

CARS Payment Listing

Select the payment date/voucher number of interest.

CARS Payment Sent

The CARS Payment List is unchanged. It is in alphabetic order by agency name. All payments to an Agency are listed in Agency Type Code order.

CARS payments sent screen

Scroll through the list until you find your Agency’s information.

GEARS Payment Report

The GEARS Payment Report does not require agencies to scroll through an alphabetic listing of agencies to find the Agency’s payment information.

  • Agencies will enter their Agency Number and GEARS Agency Type Code and payment date information to retrieve their GEARS Payment Report.
  • Agencies are able to pull information on multiple months’ payments on a single report by specifying a date range. Note that the date range will grow from a single date to multiple as monthly GEARS runs are processed.

Select the GEARS Payment Report from the CARS and GEARS Data Queries.

GEARS Data Queries

This opens the GEARS Payment Report selection screen (below). Enter your GEARS Agency Number in the AgencyNumber/AgencyName Search box (see blue arrow), and select the appropriate GEARS Agency Type Code (green arrow) from the drop-down menu. Once the Agency Type Code is entered, the agency Number and Name should appear in the Agency Number/Agency Name box (circled)*.

GEARS Report Entry

*If the Agency Number and Agency Name are not correct, please verify that the agency number entered and the agency type code selected are correct. If the Agency Type code is incorrect, GEARS provides the nearest Agency number match, within the selected Agency Type Code.

Select the payment dates from and to (red arrows) of the period you are interested in. Note that payment date in the example, above, will not appear once GEARS is live. GEARS payment dates will be no earlier than July 1, 2023.

Select View Report. Similar to other GEARS reports, the GEARS Payment Report can be viewed on screen or downloaded to Excel or other formats.

GEARS Report Results

Using the arrows at left side of the screen (circled) moves you from page to page on the screen. Downloading to Excel or other formats is accomplished by clicking on the file icon in the middle of the screen (circled).

What a GEARS report contains
Agency name Agency number Agency type Payment date Expense processing date Voucher ID Calculated reimbursement Account receivable/consumed Voucher Amt
Wilson County 98 01 2023-09-01 2023-08-15 00677853 $50,000.00 $0.00 $50,0000.00
Wilson County 98 01 2023-08-01 2023-07-15 00566742 $25,500.00 $-1,500.00 $24,000.00
  • The first three columns list the Agency Number, Type and Name.
  • The Payment Date is the date on which payment was issued. GEARS payments are issued the 1st of each month, or the first banking day thereafter, to all agencies.
  • The Expense Processing Date is the date GEARS calculated payments.
  • The Voucher ID is the STAR voucher number associated with an agency’s payment. As with other ACH payments from STAR, a PDF remittance advice will be emailed to the contact the organization has established. We expect that the remittance advice will include the STAR voucher number associated with the GEARS payment to the agency. Unlike CARS, GEARS generates a unique voucher ID for each agency.
  • Calculated Reimbursement is the net due to/from the Agency based on contracts and reported expenses and adjustments processed as of the Expense Processing date. If the agency has multiple contract years generating reimbursement, those amounts are summed. For detail on GEARS reimbursement amounts by contract year, please see your GEARS-603 or -620 reports.
  • Account Receivable Amount Consumed is the amount due from the agency collected against the reimbursement generated on this GEARS run. Account receivable amounts which cannot be recovered in full, the amount exceeds the calculated reimbursement, are recorded in GEARS as Prior Month A/R (Profile 999999) and recovered against future reimbursements.
  • Voucher Amount is the net of the Calculated Reimbursement less recovery of Accounts Receivable, if any. If the outstanding account receivable is greater than the calculated reimbursement, the Voucher Amount will be zero.


Last revised June 27, 2023