GEARS: Contacts
Get your message to the right staff for a quicker answer
The GEARS Team receives a large number of messages. To expedite a response, it's important to get your question to the right staff by using the most appropriate email address that aligns with what you need and our preferred subject line format.
Depending on the type of email you need to send, choose one of the following:
Use the email address below when corresponding about:
- An original expenditure report, use subject line:
Agency #-Agency Type-Contract Year-Report Month & Year-Agency name - An adjustment/additional expenditure report, use subject line:
Agency #-Agency Type-Contract Year-ADDITIONAL-Report Month & Year-Agency name - A final expenditure report, use subject line:
Agency #-Agency Type-Contract Year-FINAL-Report Month & Year -Agency name
Use the email address below when corresponding about:
- Payment, use subject line:
Agency #-Agency Type-Contract Year-PAYMENT-Report Month & Year-Agency name - Reimbursement reports (GEARS-603 &/or GEARS 620 Reports), use subject line:
Agency #-Agency Type-Contract Year-603/620-Report Month & Year-Agency name - Accounts receivable, use subject line:
Agency #-Agency Type-Contract Year-RECEIVABLES- Report Month & Year-Agency name
Use the email address below when corresponding about:
Any agency updates, including address or bank account changes, etc., use subject line:
Agency #-Agency Type-Agency name-UPDATE
Becky Mogensen, Managerial Accounting Section Manager 608-267-7846
Kathy Draves, Lead Community Aids Accountant 608-261-8369
Use the email address below when corresponding about:
All other questions and/or notifications, use subject line:
Agency #-Agency Type-Agency name-OTHER
Understanding the components of the subject line
It helps us determine what you need
The subject line format is especially helpful in assuring timely processing of reports and resolution of questions. The subject lines include:
- Agency #—This is your Agency’s GEARS Agency Number. It is the same as your Agency’s prior CARS Agency Number. It can be found in the Grant Agreement document between your agency and DHS.
- Agency Type—This is your Agency’s GEARS Agency Type Code. It is the same as the last two digits of your Agency’s prior three-digit CARS Agency Type Code. It can be found in the Grant Agreement between your agency and DHS.
- Contract Year—This is the calendar year in which your contract ends.
- Report Month & Year—This is the month and year for which your Agency is reporting/reported expenditures. While we have and will continue to accept all normal date formats, using the format which spells out the month name with a four-digit year (for example, September 2023) helps us locate expenditure reports in our electronic files quickly when questions come up.
- Agency Name—Your GEARS Agency Name. This is generally the same as your CARS Agency Name.
- Including a capitalized one- or two-word description helps us get your email to the GEARS Team member best able to process your report or resolve your question.
U.S. mail address:
Department of Health Services
Division of Enterprise Services
Bureau of Fiscal Services
PO Box 7850
Madison WI 53707-7850