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GEARS: How to Read the -620 Reports

What is a -620 Report?

It is an enhanced version of the -603 Report. It provides all the information from the Distribution of Expenditures section of the -603 Report in a more summarized report. If information is needed on allocations, please use the -603 in conjunction with the -620.

Both the CARS- and GEARS-620 reports can be downloaded into Excel. The GEARS-620 report can also be downloaded into other formats. Because of the additional functionality in Excel vs. an on-screen report, agencies are encouraged to download their -620 Report into Excel.

The -620 Reports have a number of similarities to the -603 Reports. The -620 Reports show current period activity, contract to date (CTD) activity, contract amounts and Net Due to/from Agency. While a -603 Report will only include a single contract year, the -620 Reports may include a single contract year or all unarchived contract years.

Differences between the CARS and GEARS -620 Reports

The CARS- and GEARS-620 Reports are designed to provide the same information. Differences between them include:

  • The GEARS-620 Report is limited to a single Agency Type. This impacts counties only as they are the only organizations with multiple Agency Type Codes in GEARS.
    • In CARS, it is possible to select information based solely on the Agency Number and Voucher ID, leaving the Agency Type Code and CARS Profile_ID boxes blank. When that is done, the CARS-620 reports include all unarchived agency types/contract years associated with the Agency Number. Information is aggregated within the report by Agency Type Codes and then by Profile_ID.
      Screenshot of -620 Report
      CARS-620 Report (All unarchived contract years)
    • In GEARS, you need to to select information based on the Agency Number, Agency Type and Expense Processing date. Counties with multiple Agency Type Codes will need to select separate reports for each agency type. For the Agency Type selected, agencies can select a single contract year or ALL unarchived contract years.
      Screenshot of GEARS Report
      GEARS-620 Report (All unarchived contract years)
  • When Multiple Contract Years are within a Single -620 Report, CARS- and GEARS-620 reports are organized differently. This difference impacts all agencies.
  • In CARS, when selecting a -620 report if the Agency Type Code is left blank (selecting all contract years), the information within the report is sorted first by contract year and then by profile within each contract year.
  • CARS-620 Report (All unarchived contract years)
  • In GEARS, when ALL is selected in the Contract Year drop-down box, the information within the report is sorted first by profile ID and then by contract year within the profile.
  • GEARS-620 Report (All unarchived contract years)
  • The columns in the GEARS-620 Reports are totaled. The columns in the GEAR-620 report provide information on profiles, by contract year or for ALL unarchived contract years excluding Allocated (type G) Profiles. When the Contract Year of ALL is selected, the total Net Due To Agency is the amount of the payment to the agency as a result of that month’s processing. When the net is an amount due from the Local Agency, the Net Due to Agency total will be zero and an account receivable will be shown in Profile 999998 (A/R Current Month) and/or 999999 (A/R Prior Month), as appropriate.
  • One new column added and three columns deleted. As shown above, a column has been added to the GEARS-620 report to clearly identify the Contract Year. The CARS-620 report includes the columns for Allowable CTD Activity + Roll, Current Net-Prepay and CTD Prepay. DHS does not issue prepayments therefore these three columns have been removed in the GEARS-620 report.
  • Calculation of Required Match and Over Match improved. GEARS more accurately apportions costs between Required Match and Over Match.

Report headers

The headers on the CARS- and GEARS-620 reports are the same. They are:

  • Agency Number. Agency Number is the same in CARS and GEARS.
  • Agency Type Code.
    • The CARS Agency Type Code is a 3-digit number which identifies the contract year (digit #1) and the type of agency (digits 2-3).
    • The GEARS Agency Type Code is a 2-digit number which identifies the type of agency.
  • Agency Name. In most cases the Agency Name is the same in CARS and GEARS. The Agency Name may differ between CARS and GEARS due to the ability in GEARS to have Agency Names longer than 25 characters or due to standardized county agency names applied during data migration.
  • Run identifier.
    • In CARS the run is identified by the associated voucher number. The final CARS voucher number is 092314.
    • In GEARS the run is identified by the Expense Processing Date. The first official GEARS Expense Processing Date will be in June 2023.

Column information

Except for the slight differences in the columns noted above, the information within the columns on both the CARS- and GEARS-620 reports contain the same information and are laid out in the same order.

The column headings for the -620 Reports include:

  • Profile. This column contains the profile number-profile type-profile name.
    • Profile numbers range from two to six digits long.Profiles 999999 and 999998 are used to record and recover amounts due back to DHS, Accounts Receivable.
    • There are five types of profiles reported on the -620 reports:
      • Profile type A-Adjustments
      • Profile type D-Non-Reimbursable
      • Profile type E-Sum Sufficient
      • Profile type F-Contract Controlled
      • Profile type X-Accounts Receivable
  • Allocated profiles (type G) are not included on the -620 reports. Information on those profiles, including the profiles to which the costs are allocated, is provided in the first section of the -603 reports.
  • The profile names are same in CARS and GEARS.
  • For additional information on specific profiles, please see CARS/GEARS: Find A Profile | Wisconsin Department of Health Services and/or refer to your Grant Agreement.
  • Contract Start Date. This is the Contract Start Date identified on the payment page in the Grant Agreement. Contract Start Dates prior to 2000 indicate that the expenditures have been recorded on a profile without a valid contract. This may be the result of DHS issued adjustments, the result of incorrect reporting, expenditures being reported prior to activation of the contract, or a data entry error.
  • Contract End Date. This is the Contract End Date identified on the payment page in the Grant Agreement. Contract End Dates of 12/31/9999 indicate no contract.
  • Current Period Activity. Net expenditures reported or allocated to the profile for the selected voucher/expense processing run, including current expenses and prior month adjustments. This amount may be positive or negative.
  • Contract to Date Activity. Total of expenses reported or allocated to this profile for the Contract Period. This total includes the Current Period Activity.
  • Contract to Date Roll. The net of expenses rolling into (+) or out of (-) the profile from the Contract Start Date through the selected voucher/expense processing run.
  • Contract to Date Activity + Roll. The net of Contract to Date Activity plus/minus expenses rolled into (+) or out of (-) the profile.
  • Percent Reimbursable. Percentage of reported expenses that will be reimbursed under the terms of the Grant Agreement. The percentage may be less than or equal to 100%. Information on a profile’s percent reimbursable is found in the Grant Agreement and at CARS/GEARS: Find A Profile | Wisconsin Department of Health Services
  • Contract Amount. This is the amount specified in the Grant Agreement.
    • Contract Controlled Profiles (type F). Reimbursements on a Contract Controlled profile will not exceed the applicable Contract Amount.
    • Sum Sufficient Profiles (type E).An amount greater than zero on a Sum Sufficient profile is an estimate of the total spending for the applicable contract period. Provided the contract amount for a Sum Sufficient profile is zero or more, all costs reported on the Sum Sufficient profile will be reimbursed at 100%.
    • Adjustment (type A) Non-Reimbursable (type D). Contract amounts on these profile types will be zero. Transactions recorded on these profile types process regardless of Contract Amount.
    • Accounts Receivable (type X). Contract amounts on this profile type will be zero. Transactions recorded on this profile type process regardless of Contract Amount.
  • Net Due to Agency. (Note: in CARS this column is titled Net Due to-from Agency.) Though the titles are slightly different, the information contained in the column is the same on the CARS- and GEARS-620 reports. The Net Due to Agency is equal to Column J (Payment/Advance) on the -603 report. This is the amount of reimbursement the agency will receive from/owes to DHS.
  • Contract to Date Reimbursement Amount. Total Net Due to Agency contract to date, including the current report period’s Net Due to Agency.
  • Required Match. The contract to date amount of reported expenses that are the Agency’s responsibility under the terms of the Grant Agreement. These expenses are not reimbursed. Refer to your Grant Agreement and/or Contract Administrator for additional information.
  • Over-Match. Reported expenses greater than the contract amount which are not Required Match.
  • Contract Balance. The difference between the Contract Amount and Contract to Date Reimbursement Amount. In GEARS, the Contract Balances will be zero for the following profile types without regard to the actual calculation:
    • Adjustment Profiles (Type A)
    • Non-Reimbursable Profiles (Type D)
    • Sum Sufficient Profiles (Type E).


Last revised July 13, 2023