Official DHS Forms Library

Forms produced by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services are available electronically and/or for paper order. Review the "Available to Order" column below to ensure availability in paper format. If the document is available to order in a paper version, there will be a "Yes" with a link to ordering instructions. When you are searching for a document, enter the number or a portion of the title in the search box below. To narrow your search results even more, place quotation marks (" ") around search terms.

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Assigned Number Title Sort descending Division Language Release Date File Type Available to Order
F-00726 Functional Vision Screening Tool: Children 0 to 3 Years of Age DMS English 10/2024 Word
F-00165C Funded Programs Checklist OLC English 12/2021 Word
F-00165B Funding Relationship to DHS/DCF OLC English 12/2021 Word
F-80112 GEARS Agency Set-up DES English 10/2023 Word
F-01068F General Pediatric Clinic - 12 Month Visit DMS English 08/2019 PDF
F-01068F General Pediatric Clinic - 12 Month Visit DMS English 08/2019 Word
F-01068G General Pediatric Clinic - 15 Month Visit DMS English 08/2019 PDF
F-01068G General Pediatric Clinic - 15 Month Visit DMS English 08/2019 Word
F-01068H General Pediatric Clinic - 18 Month Visit DMS English 08/2019 Word
F-01068H General Pediatric Clinic - 18 Month Visit DMS English 08/2019 PDF
F-01068I General Pediatric Clinic - 24 Month Visit DMS English 08/2019 Word
F-01068I General Pediatric Clinic - 24 Month Visit DMS English 08/2019 PDF
F-01068A General Pediatric Clinic - 3 to 4 Week Visit DMS English 08/2019 PDF
F-01068A General Pediatric Clinic - 3 to 4 Week Visit DMS English 08/2019 Word
F-01068C General Pediatric Clinic - 4 Month Visit DMS English 08/2019 Word
F-01068C General Pediatric Clinic - 4 Month Visit DMS English 08/2019 PDF
F-01068D General Pediatric Clinic - 6 Month Visit DMS English 08/2019 Word
F-01068D General Pediatric Clinic - 6 Month Visit DMS English 08/2019 PDF
F-01068B General Pediatric Clinic - 6 to 8 Week Visit DMS English 08/2019 Word
F-01068B General Pediatric Clinic - 6 to 8 Week Visit DMS English 08/2019 PDF
F-01068E General Pediatric Clinic - 9 Month Visit DMS English 08/2019 PDF
F-01068E General Pediatric Clinic - 9 Month Visit DMS English 08/2019 Word
F-01068K General Pediatric Clinic - Elementary School Visit DMS English 08/2019 Word
F-01068K General Pediatric Clinic - Elementary School Visit DMS English 08/2019 PDF
F-01068J General Pediatric Clinic - Preschool Visit DMS English 08/2019 PDF
F-01068J General Pediatric Clinic - Preschool Visit DMS English 08/2019 Word
F-01068L General Pediatric Clinic - Teenager Visit DMS English 08/2019 PDF
F-01068L General Pediatric Clinic - Teenager Visit DMS English 08/2019 Word
F-45021 Generally Licensed Device Inspection by Mail DPH English 03/2010 PDF
F-45021 Generally Licensed Device Inspection by Mail DPH English 03/2010 Word
F-10111 Good Faith Medicaid / BadgerCare Plus Certification DMS English 09/2013 PDF
F-10111A Good Faith Medicaid / BadgerCare Plus Certification Instructions DMS English 09/2013 PDF
F-00642 Grants Enrollment, Application & Reporting System (GEARS) Expenditure Report DES English 03/2025 Excel
F-01212 Grievance - IRIS Program DMS English 03/2024 Word
F-01212FR Grievance - IRIS Program, French DMS French 03/2024 Word
F-02726 Hand Hygiene (HH) and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Observations DPH English 10/2020 PDF
F-02475 Hand Hygiene Observations DPH English 06/2021 PDF
F-03227 Harm Reduction Response Team Outreach Efforts DPH English 09/2023 HTML
F-02989 Hazard Assessment Section Presentation Feedback DPH English 03/2022 HTML
F-03288A HCBS 100% Community-Based Non-Residential Provider Attestation DMS English 06/2024 Word
F-02382 HCBS Heightened Scrutiny Residential Provider Evidentiary Worksheet DMS English 10/2018 Word
F-02383 HCBS Heightened Scrutiny Reviewer Assessment and Evidentiary Summary DMS English 12/2020 Word
F-02383C HCBS Heightened Scrutiny Reviewer Assessment and Evidentiary Summary - 3-4 AFH DMS English 01/2021 Word
F-02383A HCBS Heightened Scrutiny Reviewer Assessment and Evidentiary Summary - CBRF DMS English 05/2024 Word
F-02383B HCBS Heightened Scrutiny Reviewer Assessment and Evidentiary Summary - RCAC DMS English 05/2024 Word
F-02605A HCBS Settings Rule: Heightened Scrutiny Settings Review - Evidentiary Document Checklist DMS English 09/2022 Word
F-02605AI HCBS Settings Rule: Heightened Scrutiny Settings Review - Evidentiary Document Checklist, Instructions DMS English 09/2022 PDF
F-00004 Health and Employment Counseling Application DMS English 02/2025 Word
F-00004H Health and Employment Counseling Application, Hmong DMS Hmong 02/2025 Word
F-00004S Health and Employment Counseling Application, Spanish DMS Spanish 02/2025 Word


Last revised December 4, 2024