Weapons of Mass Destruction Online Training
The WI-Train training website is now being utilized to facilitate completion of the Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) online course. Please reference Course Number 1047410.
Those wishing to receive credit to meet licensure requirements may register with the WI-Train website and complete the course through this website and obtain a course completion certificate.
TRAIN Wisconsin User Quick Guide P-00339 (PDF) WI-Train instructions for registering, completing the WMD online course and requesting course completion certificate.
For assistance with the WI-Train WMD program, please contact:
TRAIN Help Desk Phones
Local Number in Madison: 608-261-4400
Long Distance to Madison: 866-335-2180 (toll-free)
TTY: 888-845-4160
Email: dhswitrain@wisconsin.gov
Business hours contact
Joe Cordova: 608-267-9010