Florence County Benefit Specialist Contacts
Disability Benefit Specialist
(Ages 18-59 with a disability)
ADRC of Florence
Florence County Courthouse
PO Box 410
501 Lake Ave., Lower Level
Florence, WI 54121
Local Phone: 715-528-4890
Toll-Free Phone: 855-528-2372
TTY/TDD/Relay: 715-528-5023
Email: adrc@
Elder Benefit Specialist
(Age 60 or older)
ADRC of Florence
Florence County Courthouse
PO Box 410
501 Lake Ave., Lower Level
Florence, WI 54121
Local Phone: 715-528-4890
Toll-Free Phone: 855-528-2372
TTY/TDD/Relay: 715-528-5023
Email: adrc@