Air Quality Issues

Our indoor air quality can be impacted in many ways. Sometimes there are actions we can take to prevent from getting sick, like cleaning our house to remove allergens or checking air advisories to learn when to stay indoors.

Our Breathe Easily fact sheet, P-02166 provides more ideas to protect yourself from common indoor air pollutants.

The special topics page has more information about outdoor air concerns.

Portable air cleaners

Portable air cleaners and/or upgrading the air filter in your furnace or HVAC system can help improve indoor air quality.

The Guide to Air Cleaners in the Home (PDF) contains more information on selecting the right air purifier.

Wisconsin Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Newsletter

Wisconsin IAQ News, P-03079, features current indoor air quality news, resources, and program updates from the Bureau of Environmental and Occupational Health (BEOH) Indoor Air and Radon program. This newsletter is distributed quarterly. Subscribe to future issues of the newsletter.

Wisconsin Indoor Air Quality Newsletter, Issue 2, P-03079-2021-11-22 (PDF) November 2021

Wisconsin Indoor Air Quality Newsletter, Issue 1, P-03079-2021-08-27 (PDF) August 2021

Indoor air quality in schools

Proven Strategies to Improve Indoor Air Quality in Schools (EPA)


Danger asbestos removal sign taped to a wall with duct tape.

Learn how the Wisconsin Asbestos Program helps protect people from exposure to asbestos.


A child uses an inhaler outside

Learn about asthma triggers and symptoms. Also, get tips about the best way to manage your asthma.

Carbon Monoxide

Change batteries in CO detector

In Wisconsin, around 500 people go to the emergency room each year because of carbon monoxide.


Shiney mercury drops on textured surface

People mostly come in contact with mercury by eating fish and from spills of small amounts of metallic mercury, such as from a broken thermometer.


Cleaning supplies for mold cleanup

Learn the impact mold exposure can have on health, how to prevent mold growth, and how to fix indoor mold problems.


light blue house with white trim and porch with a flag on porch

About 1 out of 10 homes in Wisconsin has high radon levels.

Sewer Gas

Adult gesturing bad smell with nose pinched and face expression

Sewer gas is a complex mix of toxic and nontoxic gases that forms when household and industrial waste decay.

Vapor Intrusion

Pregnant mom and child sitting facing each other on a couch reading their books

Vapors from past chemical spills can affect the quality of air you breathe, even indoors.

Air Quality Data


We host data on air quality measures that have standard levels defined by the federal government.


Can't find what you're looking for? Check out the chemical list or the special topics page. You can also contact us at


Last revised May 9, 2024