These resources are intended to help Wisconsin residents and professionals understand the impact mold exposure can have on health, how to prevent mold growth, and how to fix indoor mold problems. Mold spores are constantly traveling through the air all around us and can be found both indoors and outdoors. It is not practical to expect a building or home be completely free of mold; however, indoor mold growth can be prevented and controlled. Learn more about mold by exploring important information below. For information on additional indoor air quality issues, please visit our Air Quality Issues webpage.
Controlling indoor mold
Controlling moisture is key. Find the moisture source, repair it, and clean what you can.
Cleaning indoor mold
Areas inside your home that have poor air movement and a source of moisture are likely areas for mold growth.
Tenant and landlord information
Renters should immediately notify their landlord when they notice moisture problems.
Hiring a contractor
Consider hiring a contractor for large mold problems, or for when mold is reoccurring and the moisture source has not been found.
Guidance for health professionals
Health professionals can find key messages, recommendations, guidance for health assessments, and more.
Mold resources
Learn general facts about mold, including mold cleanup in your home and mold assessment and remediation.
For more information, contact your local health department or the Wisconsin Department of Health Services: 608-266-1120, or email us at dhswebmaildph@