Supplemental Security Income Glossary

Get definitions to key terms for Supplemental Security Income (SSI).

Caretaker Supplement

An additional amount of monthly cash benefit provided to certain Supplemental Security Income (SSI) members in Wisconsin who reside with their dependent children. Wisconsin funds this benefit with a combination of state dollars and its federal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) grant.

Continuing Disability Review (CDR)

The process of obtaining, reviewing, and re-establishing a finding of disability, based on medical evidence and work activity, to determine if SSI benefits should continue.

In Wisconsin, all initial and continuing disability determinations for federal and state SSI are performed by the Disability Determination Bureau within the Department of Health Services (DHS).

Direct deposit, electronic funds transfer (EFT)

Payment of SSI or Social Security cash benefits by automatic deposit into a member's savings, checking, or check cashing account. In Wisconsin, members of federal SSI who elect direct deposit must have their state SSI supplemental payments directed to the same account.

Exceptional Expense Supplement (SSI-E)

An additional amount of monthly cash benefit provided to certain SSI state supplement members. Eligibility is based on assessment and certification by county human or social services agencies. Eligible people need ongoing supportive services or care.

FoodShare Wisconsin

A program that helps people who have limited money buy the food they need for good health. The Wisconsin DHS administers the state's FoodShare Wisconsin program. Eligibility for the program is determined and benefits are issued by county/tribal human or social service agencies (local agency). The U.S. Department of Agriculture is responsible for setting the basic program rules so that they are the same everywhere in the country.

"Grandfathered" state-only SSI member

An individual who, in November 1995, was not receiving federal SSI cash benefits but was receiving SSI supplementary payments in Wisconsin. Approximately 17,500 individuals were granted continued eligibility for state cash benefits and Medicaid. In October 2012, approximately 5,599 "grandfathered" state-only SSI members remain.

Since January 1, 1996, non-grandfathered people must be eligible for federal SSI cash benefits in order to receive state SSI cash benefits.

Medicaid (Title XIX, T-19, Medical Assistance)

Health care coverage authorized by Title XIX of the federal Social Security Act and provided to all members of SSI in Wisconsin.


Health care coverage available to disabled, blind, or retired beneficiaries of Social Security and their qualified dependents.

Plan for Achieving Self-Support (PASS)

Under an approved PASS, members of federal SSI may set aside income and/or resources over a period of time to reach a goal to become financially self supporting. The income and resources set aside may later be used to obtain occupational training or education, purchase occupational equipment, establish a business, etc.

The income and resources set aside under a PASS are not counted when determining federal SSI eligibility or a payment amount.

Representative payee

A person appointed by the Social Security Administration (SSA) to manage the cash benefits of a member of SSI or Social Security benefits or both.


Anything an SSI member owns, such as a bank account, stocks, business assets, real property, or personal property, that can be used for support and maintenance. Certain resources are not counted when SSI eligibility is determined. Generally, a single individual is restricted to $2,000 in resources; a married couple is restricted to $3,000.

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)

Monthly cash benefit administered by the federal SSA to retired or disabled workers and their qualified dependents. Beneficiaries must be either 62 years old or older or disabled and have enough work "credits" to be qualified.

Members of SSI may be eligible for Social Security benefits, also, based on their own work records or because they are qualified as a dependent of another Social Security beneficiary.

Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

A cash benefit authorized by Title 16 of the federal Social Security Act. Eligibility and benefits are administered by the federal SSA at field offices throughout each state.

Eligibility is based on age (65 years old or older) or disability and financial need. Eligibility is not based on prior work history or a family member's prior work history.

SSI income earned income

Money received from wages, including from a sheltered workshop or work activity center, self-employment earnings, and some royalties and honoraria.

SSI unearned income

Money received from all other sources (for example, gifts, interest, Social Security, and veterans benefits or pensions.) Unearned income also includes "in-kind" income (free food, shelter, or clothing) and "deemed" income (some of the income of a spouse, parent, or sponsor of an immigrant). SSI State Supplement A cash benefit authorized by Wis. Stat. §§ 49.77 and 49.775. This benefit is intended to supplement the federal SSI benefit payment. Eligibility is based on current receipt of federal SSI benefits or special "grandfathered" status as a member of the state supplement only.


A provision of the federal Social Security Act, section 1619(b) allows continued Medicaid coverage for members of SSI who have earnings from work. Generally, a person whose income is not high enough to replace the SSI, Medicaid coverage, and any publicly-funded attendant care that he or she is receiving will be allowed to keep his or her Medicaid.

State-only 1619(b)

A procedural provision within Wisconsin's program of SSI state supplementation that permits grandfathered state-only members of SSI to retain Medicaid when they have earnings from work.

Generally, a person whose income is not high enough to replace the SSI, Medicaid coverage, and any publicly-funded attendant care that he or she is receiving will be allowed to keep his or her Medicaid.


Last revised February 3, 2025