WISH Query: Mortality Module - Broad Groups (50+ Cause-of-Death Categories)
(Data updated March 2024)
This module creates statistics on mortality among Wisconsin residents. It creates tables showing the numbers and rates of death by cause of death, year, geographic area, age, sex, race and ethnicity.
This Broad Groups version combines all causes of death into 50 categories defined by the National Center for Health Statistics. More detailed categories are available in the Detailed Groups version, which uses 113 categories of causes.
Please note that a major revision to the classification system for causes of death was implemented in 1999. Caution should be used in comparing numbers or rates before and after that revision. See Trend Analysis Caution for details.
To shape your query, first decide the mortality measure you want, such as counts, rates or age-adjusted rates. Your measure can be presented for selected causes of death, for ranked causes, or for years of potential life lost.
You may focus on certain counties or regions; select the most recent year or a range of years back to 1990; and select age, race, or ethnicity groups. Finally, choose row and column variables for your table from a list that includes cause of death, geographic area, years, age, sex, race and ethnicity.
See Mortality Module Definitions for more notes on the measures.
Rates by race and Hispanic ethnicity depend on population estimates for the rate denominators. Users should note that those estimates for the years 2000 forward are revised annually to incorporate improved information from the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS).