WISH Query Behavioral Risk Factor Survey All Counties

This module offers selected topics from the Behavioral Risk Factor Survey (BRFS), a representative, statewide telephone survey of Wisconsin household residents aged 18 and older. The module provides estimates for all 72 Wisconsin counties. Data collected during 2004-2008 (including small-county oversamples in 2006 and 2007) have been combined to provide the estimates. One of the following three-year periods may be selected: 2004-2006, 2005-2007, or 2006-2008. For state and regional estimates, or to track changes over time for the state, regions or selected counties, use the Trend Data Module. Additional guidance on which BRFS module to use is also available.

The Wisconsin BRFS is part of the national Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, which is coordinated by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Every state health department conducts a survey as part of the system, whose purpose is to measure adult health-risking behaviors, health conditions and the use of preventive health services.

To define your query, use Step 1 to select a measure (either percents or age-adjusted percents). Use Step 2 to select a time period (2004-2006, 2005-2007, or 2006-2008). Then choose a topic (BRFS definitions) from the list in Step 3; this will be the row variable in your table. Use Step 4 to select the counties for which results will be displayed. Step 5 lets you focus on subsets of respondents.

Note that results will be displayed only when the number of interviews per county is at least 100. If subsetting reduces the number of interviews below 100 for a particular county, results for that county will not be shown on the output page. To get results for the missing county, select additional groups in Step 5 and re-submit your query.

BRFS Methodology
Wisconsin BRFS
Definitions of BRFS Measures
Confidence Intervals
Output Tables
Relative Standard Error
Age Adjustment

Step 1. Which measure do you wish to focus on?


Step 2. Select a time period.

Time Period

Step 3. Choose a topic (topic will define the table rows).


Risk Factors

Health Conditions and Disease Prevention

Health Screening

1. (2005-2007 only)
2. (2004-2006, 2006-2008 only)

Step 4. Select counties from list below.

County of Residence

Step 5. Select subgroups to include and/or refine counties selected in Step 4.

Specific Characteristics

To send your request for data now.

To clear all selections and start over.


Last revised April 29, 2024