Tuberculosis Ordering and Billing Interface (TOBI)

What is TOBI?

The Tuberculosis (TB) Ordering and Billing Interface (TOBI) is a secure, web-based system used by health care providers, local health departments, and the Wisconsin TB Program.

TOBI has an electronic form that health care providers can use to order TB-related medications through the Wisconsin TB Dispensary Program. TOBI also allows Wisconsin health departments and pharmacies to enter invoices for TB-related medical services and drugs that are reimbursable through the Wisconsin TB Dispensary Program.

The purpose of the Wisconsin TB Dispensary Program is to ensure that all persons in Wisconsin with suspected or confirmed TB infection or disease can receive appropriate evaluation, treatment, and monitoring.

Tray of different colored drugs in capsule and pill form

Links to the TOBI Application

TOBI Application

Request for Medications for LATENT tuberculosis infection (LTBI), F-00905

Request for Medications for ACTIVE tuberculosis disease, F-44000

Questions about TB? Contact us!
Phone: 608-261-6319 | Fax: 608-266-0049


Last revised February 8, 2023