Local Data on Poverty Status and Health Insurance Coverage in Wisconsin

This page provides access to local information about poverty status and health insurance coverage for many localities in Wisconsin. Estimates of the number and percent of the population by poverty status, health insurance coverage over the past year, and type of health insurance are based on combined years of Wisconsin Family Health Survey results.

The list below may be sorted by service area (county, region, or statewide). County data is available for each of the counties where there was a sufficient number of survey responses to produce reliable estimates. To find data by region, choose "Not Applicable" in the Service Area dropdown.

The information is also available as a single Excel spreadsheet for available years.

Department of Health Services regions by county  

For more information, contact the Office of Health Informatics.


Service Area Assigned Number Title Sort descending Language Release Date File Type Available to Order
Wood County P-00406B Local Data on Poverty Status and Health Insurance Coverage, Wood County, 2009-2011 English 10/2012 PDF
Wood County P-00406B Local Data on Poverty Status and Health Insurance Coverage, Wood County, 2014-2016 English 06/2018 PDF
Not Applicable P-00406A Poverty Status and Health Insurance Coverage - Northeastern Region English 06/2018 PDF
Not Applicable P-00406A Poverty Status and Health Insurance Coverage - Northern Region English 06/2018 PDF
Not Applicable P-00406A Poverty Status and Health Insurance Coverage - Southeastern Region English 06/2018 PDF
Not Applicable P-00406A Poverty Status and Health Insurance Coverage - Southern Region English 06/2018 PDF
Not Applicable P-00406A Poverty Status and Health Insurance Coverage - Western Region English 06/2018 PDF
Statewide P-00406 Technical Notes: Local Data on Poverty Status and Health Insurance Coverage in Wisconsin, 2014-2016 English 06/2018 PDF


Last revised October 25, 2023