Birth Overview Dashboard

This data dashboard provides access to statistical information based primarily on aggregate data from Wisconsin birth records. 2023 is the most recent year of data currently available. The data are updated annually, and were last updated February 12, 2025.

Wisconsin Stat. ch. 69 mandates the State Registrar in the Department of Health Services (DHS) to supervise and direct the collection of birth data. This statute also requires DHS to issue annual statistics based on the data.

Some of the data presented on this page also rely on other data sources, including death records, fetal death reports, and reports of induced terminations of pregnancy. Wisconsin Stat. ch. 69 also governs the collection and use of these kinds of data.

Key findings

  • In 2023, there were 59,739 births, 1,847 of which were multiples (for example, twins, triplets, etc.).
  • The Wisconsin state birth rate continued to slowly decline over the past 20 years, dropping from 12.7 live births per 1,000 people in 2003 to 10.1 in 2023. This decline has been slower than the downward U.S. trend, narrowing the gap between the state and the national birth rate.
  • In the past, the U.S. had higher fertility rates than Wisconsin. In more recent years, the rates have been much closer. In 2023, Wisconsin’s fertility rate was 53.6 live births per 1,000 persons who gave birth aged 15–44 while the U.S. rate was 54.5.

Suggested citation: Wisconsin Dept. of Health Services, Division of Public Health, Office of Health Informatics. Wisconsin Vital Records Data Dashboard, Birth Overview Dashboard, accessed MM/DD/YYYY.

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Last revised February 19, 2025