Statewide Trauma Advisory Council

Wisconsin's trauma system has a strong base of support and advocacy due to the active participation of clinical experts throughout the state and representation from pre-hospital and hospital health care providers at the statewide trauma meetings. The statewide trauma meetings are open to the public and include the Statewide Trauma Advisory Council (STAC) and its subcommittee meetings, including: Trauma Coordinators, Data Management, Performance Improvement, and Injury Prevention. Meetings are scheduled quarterly, with March, September, and December being held virtually and June with an in-person option.

For more information about STAC, visit Wisconsin DHS Trauma Care System Program homepage.

Framework of the Statewide Trauma Advisory Council

The Wisconsin Trauma Care System aims to ensure that all trauma patients in the state of Wisconsin receive comprehensive trauma care.

Members of STAC are dedicated to reducing the death and disability resulting from traumatic injuries and mass casualty events by providing a comprehensive and integrated system of care.

STAC advises and provides leadership to the Department of Health Services (DHS) on issues related to the development, operation and evaluation of the statewide trauma care system.

Position statements and subcommittee documents


Per Wis. Stat. § 15.197(25), the trauma advisory council (STAC) shall consist of the following members who have an interest and expertise in emergency medical services and who are appointed by the secretary of health services:

  • Four physicians who represent urban and rural areas
  • Two registered nurses, as defined in Wis. Stat. § 146.40(1)(f)
  • Two prehospital emergency medical services (EMS) providers, including one representative of a municipality
  • Two representatives of a rural hospital
  • Two representatives of an urban hospital
  • One member of the emergency medical services board

In appointing the members, the secretary of health services shall ensure that all geographic areas of the state are represented.

NameRepresenting CategoryOrganization (Region)Trauma Center Classification
Chair Marshall Beckman, MDPhysician who represents urban and rural areasFroedtert Menomonee Falls (Region 7)Level III
Vice-Chair Ann O'Rourke, MDRepresentative of an urban hospitalUniversity of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics (Region 5)Level I
Jennifer Roberts, MDPhysician who represents urban and rural areasMarshfield Medical Center-Marshfield (Region 2)Level II
David Schultz, MDPhysician who represents urban and rural areasThedaCare Medical Center-Neenah (Region 6)Level II
Levon O’hAodha, MDPhysician who represents urban and rural areasHudson Hospital and Clinics (Region 1)Level IV
Gina Brandl, MSNRegistered nurseMarshfield Medical Center-Marshfield (Region 2)Level II
Rebecca Ekenstedt, RNRegistered nurseCumberland Healthcare (Region 1)Level IV
Jay McDonald, EMTB, RNPrehospital EMS providerSawyer County Emergency Services and Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe University (Region 1)N/A
Matthew Dykstra, EMTPPrehospital EMS providerCity of Madison Fire Department (Region 5)N/A
Daniel Budreau, MDRepresentative of a rural hospitalAurora BayCare Medical Center (Region 3)Level II
Tammy Aspeslet, RNRepresentative of a rural hospitalGundersen Health System-La Crosse (Region 4)Level II
Kristin Braun, MSNRepresentative of an urban hospitalChildren's Hospital of Wisconsin (Region 7)Level I Pediatrics
Michael Clark, MDEMS board representativeAspirus Health Wausau, MedEvac (Region 2)Level II

Disclaimer about advisory council content

This content reflects the views and opinions of the advisory council. It may not reflect the official policy or position of DHS.


Last revised February 25, 2025