SCAODA: Strategic Plan

Primary goals and objectives for 2023-2027

Goal 1: Change Wisconsin’s cultural norms and policies to transform the state’s substance use and misuse challenges into healthy outcomes.

  • Objective 1(a): Seek to reduce stigma associated with seeking and obtaining services for substance use and misuse.
  • Objective 1(b): Promote environmental policies to reduce substance use and create more support and understanding of those in recovery and those who need treatment.

Goal 2: Educate people of Wisconsin on the social, economic, and health impacts of substance use and misuse; as well as the benefits of effective prevention, harm reduction, treatment, and recovery services.

Objective 2(a): The council will continue to fulfill its responsibility to provide leadership and coordination by promoting and advocating best practices and policies for prevention, harm reduction, treatment, and recovery among all levels of government and in communities.

Goal 3: Advocate for policies, adequate funding, capacity, and infrastructure to implement effective outreach, prevention, harm reduction, treatment, and recovery services for all in need.

  • Objective 3(a): Expand prevention, treatment, and recovery interventions and supports across the lifespan.
  • Objective 3(b): Increase focus and resources for prevention, treatment, and recovery services for children, youth, transitional youth, and young adults
  • Objective 3(c): Continue revitalizing the Children, Youth, and Family Treatment Subcommittee
  • Objective 3(d): Build awareness and capacity to identify and address the changing needs of older adults due to substance use and misuse.
  • Objective 3(e): Enhance and expand capacity within the substance use workforce to better understand and address the diverse needs of higher risk and underserved populations, including those with language and cultural barriers as recommended in the CLAS.
  • Objective 3(f): Advocate for and support increased use of evidence-based interventions like SBIRT in schools, workplaces, health care, and communities.
  • Objective 3(g): Advocate for and support adoption of innovative policies and promising practices and programs in substance use and misuse prevention, treatment, harm reduction, and recovery.
  • Objective 3(h): Support and advocate for increasing the state excise tax on alcoholic beverages to the median tax level nationally, and increase the portion of tax revenue allocated for prevention, treatment, harm reduction, and recovery programs.

​Goal 4: Reduce health disparities and inequities, recognize and rectify historical trauma, and address biases within systems, policies and practices.

  • Objective 4(a): Improve the effectiveness of substance use prevention, treatment, harm reduction, and recovery services in addressing the needs of higher risk and historically underserved populations.
  • Objective 4(b): Expand scope of prevention, treatment, harm reduction, and recovery services to be inclusive of populations most impacted by social drivers of health - including socioeconomic standing, zip code, legal status, and other health disparities
  • Objective 4(c): Support research and identification of substance use and misuse risk and protective factors.
  • Objective 4(d): Advocate for and support the adoption of innovative and promising practices and programs across the continuum of care that fully integrate the National CLAS Standards.

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This content reflects the views and opinions of the advisory council. It may not reflect the official policy or position of DHS.


Last revised January 6, 2025