Wisconsin Healthcare-Associated Infections in Long-Term Care Coalition Events
The Wisconsin Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs) in Long-Term Care (LTC) Coalition organizes and presents educational events to promote best practice in infection prevention and control within our facilities. These events aim to improve the knowledge and professional skills of employees and improve the health and quality of care of our residents. We offer helpful information from events presented or sponsored by the Coalition.
Wisconsin HAIs in LTC Coalition 2019 Hand Hygiene: A Resident Safety Imperative
The conference, Hand Hygiene: A Resident Safety Imperative, was for staff working in Wisconsin nursing homes. This event was presented by the Wisconsin HAIs in LTC Coalition and the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) Division of Quality Assurance (DQA).
The conference was developed by DQA staff, nursing home providers, and members of the Wisconsin HAIs in LTC Coalition hand hygiene subcommittee. National and local experts addressed topics such as:
- Hand hygiene as a resident safety imperative.
- Hand hygiene guidelines.
- Product selection and surveillance.
Listed below are the conference presentations/sessions.
Hand Hygiene conference presentations and handouts
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) Guidelines for Hand Hygiene and How They Relate to Long-Term Care Facilities Speaker Slides (PDF)
- Hand Hygiene Product Selection: It's Personal, Not Personnel Speaker Slides (PDF)
- Application of Human Factors/Systems Engineering to Hand Hygiene Promotion Speaker Slides (PDF)
- Hand Hygiene: A Patient Safety Imperative Speaker Slides (PDF)
- Hand Hygiene Surveillance the Science and Pragmatics Speaker Slides (PDF)
In May 2017, national and local experts addressed topics including:
- Antibiotic stewardship.
- Outbreak identification, management, and surveillance.
The conference was developed with DQA staff, nursing home providers, and members of the Wisconsin HAIs in LTC Coalition.
Listed below are the topics and sessions presented during the conference. Select a session title to view the webcast.
Presentations and handouts
May 17:
- Keynote Antibiotic Stewardship: Why it Matters in Nursing Homes & Where to Begin
- Antibiotics 101
- Antibiotic Stewardship for LTC Facility Residents: A View from the Emergency Department
- Clinical Microantibio + Grambiology in LTC: How Do I Decipher This?
- Effective Professional Interaction Among the Medical Director, DON and Consulting Pharmacist in the Nursing Home Environment
- Evaluation of Fever in Older Adults
- Improving Antibiotic Stewardship Use in Nursing Homes through Nudges and Mental Judo
- Tapping into the Pharmacist for Antibiotic Stewardship
- When to Submit a Urine Specimen for Testing?
- Wisconsin Act 294 – Formulary Management and Collaborative Practice Agreements in the Long-Term Care Facility
May 18:
- Keynote Healthcare Epidemiology in the LTC Setting: Bringing It All Together
- Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE): The Public Health Response in Wisconsin
- Clostridium difficile in Long Term Care: What Have We Learned?
- CDI (Clostridium difficile) and CRE (Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae) in Long Term Care Facilities: An Alphabet Soup of Gut
- Environmental Disinfection for Control of Healthcare–Associated Pathogens
- Getting Started with NHSN for CRE Surveillance
- Infuse Hand Hygiene Into Your Culture
- Managing Outbreaks in Post-Acute and Long Term Care Facilities
- Stop that Outbreak! Strategies for Long Term Care
- The Scientific Basis for Current Hand Hygiene Guidelines and Future Trends (not recorded)
- Vaccine Preventable Diseases Among Adults
UTI workshops were held for Wisconsin nursing home staff. These workshops coincided with the rollout of the Wisconsin HAI in LTC Coalition's UTI Toolkit. The toolkit helps staff understand why we need to improve processes around diagnosis and treatment of UTI and how to do that.
The Wisconsin HAIs in LTC Coalition and DQA hosted the workshops.
- Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) & The Survey Process (PDF)
- When to Test slides (PDF)
- When to Test Urine Nursing Tool (PDF)
- Physician Communication Scripts (1-7) (PDF)
- Antibiotic Stewardship: Start by Counting (PDF)
- Urine Test Tracking Spreadsheet (Excel)
- NHSN Surveillance for Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) and Multidrug-Resistant Organisms in Long-Term Care Facilities (PDF)
- LTC UTI Worksheets (PDF)
- Lab Report Scripts (PDF)
- The Role of the Pharmacist (PDF)
Disclaimer about advisory council content
This content reflects the views and opinions of the advisory council. It may not reflect the official policy or position of DHS.