Public Health Workforce: Health Equity Resources

In an effort to provide resources and technical assistance to Local Tribal Health Departments (LTHDs), the information on this page offers information about strategies to address root causes of health disparities and spotlights local and state initiatives that have been successful in alleviating health disparities.

Learning Communities

In 2022, LTHDs were invited to complete a survey to help the Office of Policy and Practice Alignment (OPPA) better understand the strengths and needs of local jurisdictions to advance health equity. Responses were compiled in the LTHD Health Equity Strengths and Needs Survey Results Summary, P-03277 (PDF) and used to identify training topics. Later that year, the Health Equity Assessment and Resource Team (HEART) began hosting a series of equity trainings referred to as Learning Communities (LC), these trainings are intended to:

  • Provide best practice strategies to address root causes of health disparities.
  • Supply vetted resources to guide initiatives to advance health equity.
  • Spotlight local or state initiatives that have been successful in alleviating health disparities.
  • Connect attendees to coalitions and organizations that primarily focus on health equity or social determinants of health.
  • Create a space for continuing education and peer networking to advance health equity.

LC 1 and 2: Building our Foundation

LC 3: Community Engagement for Health Equity

LC 4: Addressing Social Determinants of Health for Health Equity

LC 5: Addressing Race and Racial Inequities for Health

LC 6: Addressing Housing for Health Equity

LC7: Addressing Rural Health for Health Equity

LC 8: Narrative for Health Equity

Video: Learning Community 8 Addressing Narrative for Health Equity

LC 9: Assessing Policies and Programs for Health Equity

LC 10: Income as a Social Determinant of Health

LC 11: Policy Engagement for Health Equity

LC 12: Data for Health Equity

LC 13: Promising Practice for Health Equity

Health equity resource guides

Health equity resource guides provide access to user-friendly information to assist in your health equity journey.


Last revised November 11, 2024