Public Health Workforce Development

On the Public Health Workforce Development pages you will find resources and training materials for Wisconsin's public health workforce. These training materials are provided free of charge and intended for educational use only. If you have any questions, email Christie Reese at

Public Health 101

Person sitting at a table working on a laptop

Public Health 101 is a foundational public health orientation that includes virtual, on-demand trainings as well as live workshops.

Health Equity

Health equity on a sign.

This page offers a collection of resources and training materials to assist in your health equity journey.

Performance Excellence (PE)

Hand holding chalk against a chalkboard with three arrows pointing to the upper right corner. Middle arrow has the word Results

This page offers resources and training on performance management and quality improvement in public health.

Resources, Tools, and Training

Individual computer training between two adults.

This page provides links to training and development opportunities on various topics including communications, and environmental and occupational health.

Resource documents

Last revised November 1, 2024