Telecommunications Assistance Program (TAP)
What is TAP?
TAP is a financial assistance program available to any individual in Wisconsin who is Deaf, Deafblind, or Severely Hard of Hearing and low-income to purchase specialized equipment needed to access distance communication services.
TAP funding is limited and is available on a first-come first-served basis.
Program eligible applicants may receive TAP funding to purchase specialized telecommunication equipment. TAP funding can also be used to pay for copay costs required of the Telecommunications Equipment Purchase Program (TEPP) through the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin (PSC). TEPP information and applications are available on the PSC's TEPP website.
*Note: TAP and TEPP are two separate programs offered by two separate agencies. Both programs require their own application materials be submitted to determine applicants eligibility.
To be eligible for TAP assistance, an applicant must:
- Be a Wisconsin resident.
- Be an individual who is Deaf, Deafblind, or Severely Hard of Hearing.
- Meet income eligibility guidelines.
- Have not received TAP assistance within the past three years.
How to apply
- Submit an application available online or printable, F-02306
- Submit verification of a hearing loss: Send a copy of your most recent audiogram or a Hearing Loss Certification (HLC) form available online or printable, F-22554, completed and signed by a hearing professional including licensed physicians, certified audiologists, or hearing instrument specialists. (Hearing instrument specialists completing the HLC form will also need to provide the exam results or reports from tests conducted within the last six months, pursuant to Wis. Admin. Code ch. HAS 4.04 under the Hearing and Speech Examination Board.)
Income guidelines for 2024
TAP income guideline maximums are set at 200% of the U.S. federal government poverty limits. Applicants must be at or below the income maximums for the size of their household. Income maximums are reviewed and updated annually. (Household = total number of people living at a residence that share common living space and finances.)
What income should be reported on the TAP application? You should use the amount from your annual adjusted gross income (AGI), as reported on your most recent Wisconsin Income Tax Return, or the total of all taxable household income. (Proof of income may be requested.)
Members in Household | Maximum Total Household Income |
1 | $31,300 |
2 | $42,300 |
3 | $53,300 |
4 | $64,300 |
5 | $75,300 |
6 | $86,300 |
7 | $97,300 |
8 | $108,300 |
For each member over 8, add an additional $11,000 per person to the maximum income amount.
TAP vouchers and vendors
TAP vouchers are issued and mailed to each applicant or the applicant's legal representative (unless otherwise directed) to be redeemed through an approved vendor.
- A person eligible for or receiving services from the Department of Workforce Development's Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) shall first be evaluated by DVR to determine if the person is eligible for telecommunications devices under the vocational rehabilitation program, and if denied by DVR the person may apply for TAP assistance.
- Preference will be given to individuals who are not receiving telecommunication devices from another state program.
Hearing Aid Assistance pilot program closed November 30, 2023
Pilot's summary and recommendations are under review.
Additional hearing aid resources
- Hearing Industries Association (HIA): Your Guide to Financial Assistance for Hearing Aids (PDF)
- Hearing Loss Association of America, Wisconsin State Association: Buying Hearing Aids in Wisconsin (What to expect) (PDF)
- Does Medicare Cover Hearing Aids
Contact the TAP Coordinator by email at or call 855-359-5252 if you have questions, need assistance, or want to talk about any special circumstances or other financial assistance options.