Occupational Health: Demographic Profile of Wisconsin Workers

The Demographic Profile of Wisconsin Workers shows the number of people in Wisconsin's workforce and the distribution of workers by different industry levels (sector, industry group, and detailed industry). It also shows the distribution of workers by occupation within each industry sector and/or industry group.

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Getting started with the Demographic Profile of Wisconsin Workers

To locate your industry or occupation, use the following form.* Click "submit" to view your results. This will help you locate your work as it is described in the dashboard's data.

How to navigate the Demographic Profile of Wisconsin Workers

Use the filter(s) labeled "Sector" and "Industry Group" to select more specific data views. These filters are located in drop-down menus near the top of the dashboard, and can be changed by clicking on them. You can click the black box at the lower left corner to see a table with more specific occupation and industry data. The distribution of worker’s demographics (sex, ethnicity, age, education, and race) by industry sector and/or industry group is also visualized with a disparity indicator using conditional coloring. When the percentage of workers in any given demographic deviates from the state average by 50% to 100%, the color changes to yellow (closer to 50) or orange (closer to 100). When it deviates by more than 100%, the color will darken to brown.

Demographic Profile of Wisconsin Workers dashboard

Suggested citation: Wisconsin Dept. of Health Services, Division of Public Health, Office of Health Informatics and Bureau of Environmental and Occupational Health, https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/occupational-health/worker-demographic-dashboard.html. Demographic Profile of Wisconsin Workers, accessed MM/DD/YYYY.

*This form provided by NIOSH using the NIOSH Industry and Occupation Computerized Coding System (NIOCCS). Available on the About the Industry and Occupation Autocoding Web API webpage, published 2021.


Last revised January 17, 2025