Birth Outcomes Dashboard
This data dashboard provides access to statistical information based primarily on aggregate data from Wisconsin birth records. 2023 is the most recent year of data currently available. The data are updated annually, and were last updated February 12, 2025.
Wisconsin Stat. ch. 69 mandates the State Registrar in the Department of Health Services (DHS) to supervise and direct the collection of birth data. This statute also requires DHS to issue annual statistics based on the data.
Some of the data presented on this page also rely on other data sources, including death records, fetal death reports, and reports of induced terminations of pregnancy. Wisconsin Stat. ch. 69 also governs the collection and use of these kinds of data. See the dashboard technical notes for more information.
Key findings
- Among births in Wisconsin during the 2021–2023 period, 7.9% of infants were considered to have low birth weight <2,500g (5 pounds, 8 ounces), 10.1% were born preterm (infant born prior to 37 weeks of gestation), and 9.5% required specialized medical care and were admitted to neonatal intensive care units (NICUs).
- Among the different age groups, there were higher rates of negative health outcomes (low birthweight, preterm birth, and NICU admissions) in younger and older persons who gave birth.
- The largest disparity in negative birth outcomes was seen between persons who gave birth who identified as white, and those who identified as Black, American Indian/Alaska Native, multiple races, or those who did not identify their racial or ethnic background ("unknown"). During the 2021–2023 period, persons who identified as Black who gave birth experienced the highest rates of low birth weight and preterm births. Persons who identify as white who gave birth experienced some of the lowest rates.
Suggested citation: Wisconsin Dept. of Health Services, Division of Public Health, Office of Health Informatics. Wisconsin Vital Records Data Dashboard, Birth Outcomes Dashboard, accessed MM/DD/YYYY.
Related links
- Birth and mortality detailed data tables
- Reports and publications from previous years
- WISH Data Query System (births, infant deaths, and other topics)
- Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)
- Copies of vital records
If you have any questions, email the Division of Public Health Data Resource Center at