Crisis Services: 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline
The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline is here and ready to help.
The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline provides free and confidential support for anyone experiencing a suicidal, mental health, and/or substance use crisis.
People of all ages who need help for themselves or a loved one can call, text, or chat 24/7.
About 988 in Wisconsin
- Wisconsinites who use 988 will connect with the 988 Wisconsin Lifeline, an in-state service with trained counselors who answer calls, texts, and chats. If the 988 Wisconsin Lifeline is unable to respond quickly, contacts are automatically routed to a backup support center, which may be located in another state.
- 988 Wisconsin Lifeline counselors are trained to reduce stress, provide emotional support, and connect people with local resources.
- Use of the 988 Wisconsin Lifeline is available at no cost to Wisconsin residents. Additional care or intervention that may result from contact with the 988 Wisconsin Lifeline may come with a cost.
- The 988 Wisconsin Lifeline is not able to send an in-person response directly. An in-person response requires a transfer to another service and could involve law enforcement.
- Calls, texts, and chats with the 988 Wisconsin Lifeline are kept confidential between the person and counselor, unless there is imminent danger for the person or others.
About the 988 Wisconsin Lifeline
- The 988 Wisconsin Lifeline is Wisconsin’s 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline service, answering calls, texts, and chats that come from residents throughout the state.
- It is operated by Family Services of Northeast Wisconsin, an agency based in Green Bay with trained counselors serving throughout the state.
- The counselors at the 988 Wisconsin Lifeline are trained to listen and support people through their distress with a focus on de-escalation and coping skills.
- The 988 Wisconsin Lifeline has some bilingual counselors and staff. Third party interpreters for over 240 languages and dialects are available 24/7 for calls to 988.
- The 988 Wisconsin Lifeline answers and responds to calls, texts, and chats as quickly as possible to minimize wait times between initial contact and counseling.
- The 988 Wisconsin Lifeline is supported and funded by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services.
What happens when you contact the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline?
Person receives automated response with options for veterans, LGBTQ+ youth and young adults, and Spanish speakers.
Person is connected to a counselor.
- For 98% of calls, texts, and chats, person receives support, de-escalation assistance from a crisis, learns new coping skills, acquires local referrals, and may receive a follow-up call.
- If there is a high concern of imminent risk to self or others, the person receives a required wellness check from law enforcement.
- If there is imminent risk of serious harm to self or others, the person receives a required emergency law enforcement and medical response.
NOTE: If you or someone you know is in imminent danger, call 911, not 988.
Frequently asked questions
There are many questions about the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline and how it works. For a consistently updated list of questions and answers, visit the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's 988 Frequently Asked Questions webpage.
Promotional tools
Please use these materials to ensure there is a clear understanding about what the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline is and how it works in Wisconsin.
Use the logo below to promote the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline in Wisconsin. Send an email to if you have questions or concerns about this logo.
A variety of animated ads for websites are available in the following sizes: 160x600, 300x50, 300x250, 300x600, 320x50, and 728x90. Send an email to to get the files for these ads.
New billboard designs are available. Send an email to to get the files for the new billboard designs.
- 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline - 24/7 Call, Text, Chat (English and Spanish)
- 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline: Substance Use Support, P-03307 (PDF)
- Why might the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline utilize any sort of intervention that may involve police?
- 988 and Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs)/Emergency Communication Centers (ECCs), P-03584 (PDF)
- 988-911 Interoperability in Wisconsin, P-03704 (PDF)
:30 script
The 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline is here and ready to help. Anyone can call or text 988 or chat via to get connected to a trained lifeline counselor. Counselors are here to support anyone experiencing a suicidal, mental health, or substance use crisis. You can also contact 988 if you're concerned about someone. 988 is confidential and free to all Wisconsin residents. 988, 24/7 call, text, chat. Here to support you. Brought to you by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services.
:30 produced ad (English only)
NOTE: New social media posts are being developed. The new social media posts will be available here soon.
- Download the image to your device.
- Upload the image to your social media page or feed.
- Use the text above the image to complete the post.
Need someone to talk to? Call, text, or chat the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. Learn more about this service at #988Lifeline #WisconsinLifeline #988WisconsinLifeline
(Download the help is hope image)
The people who answer the calls, texts, and chats to the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline understand what you're going through. They are ready to help you 24/7. Learn more about this service at #988Lifeline #WisconsinLifeline #988WisconsinLifeline
(Download hope starts here indoors image)
You can trust that the people who answer the calls, texts, and chats to the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline will offer support no matter the challenge you're experiencing. Go to for more information on this service. #988Lifeline #WisconsinLifeline #988WisconsinLifeline
(Download hope starts here red and blue image)
You are not alone. Someone at the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline is always standing by to take your call, text, and chat. Go to to learn more about this service. #988Lifeline #WisconsinLifeline #988WisconsinLifeline
(Download ready to help image)
If you or someone you know needs support now, call, text, or chat. The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline connects you with a trained crisis counselor who can help. Go to to learn more about this service. #988Lifeline #WisconsinLifeline #988WisconsinLifeline
(Download 24/7 call, text, chat counselor image)
If you or someone you know is having thoughts of #suicide or experiencing a mental health or substance use crisis, the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline provides 24/7 connection to confidential #support. There is hope. Just call, text, or chat. Learn more about this service at #988Lifeline #WisconsinLifeline #988WisconsinLifeline
(Download 988 logo 24/7 call, text, chat image)
The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline provides connection to confidential #support for mental health and substance use issues. There is hope. Just call, text, or chat. Learn more at #988Lifeline #WisconsinLifeline #988WisconsinLifeline
(Download 988 Wisconsin image)
The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline is a safe space to talk. Call, text, or chat 24/7. Learn more at #988Lifeline #WisconsinLifeline #988WisconsinLifeline
(Download it can get better workshop image)
For those experiencing mental health or substance use issues, the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline is here to help. Call, text, or chat 24/7. Learn more at #988Lifeline #WisconsinLifeline #988WisconsinLifeline
(Download it can get better indoors image)
Help for today, hope for tomorrow. That's what the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline offers. Call, text, or chat 24/7 to be connected with someone who understands what you're going through. Learn more at #988Lifeline #WisconsinLifeline #988WisconsinLifeline
(Download it can get better sitting chair image)
You can trust that the people who answer the calls, texts, and chats to the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline will offer support no matter what challenge you're experiencing. Learn more at #988Lifeline #WisconsinLifeline #988WisconsinLifeline
(Download healing starts now image)
Call, text, or chat the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline when you need someone to talk to about any challenge or concern. Learn more at #988Lifeline #WisconsinLifeline #988WisconsinLifeline
(Download help is hope teen image)
No matter what you’re experiencing, if you need someone to lean on for emotional support, call, text, or chat. The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline is here and ready to help all Wisconsin residents live their best lives. Learn more at #988Lifeline #WisconsinLifeline #988WisconsinLifeline
(Download you are not alone outdoors image)
People call, text, or chat the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline about lots of things: substance use, economic worries, relationships, depression, physical illness, loneliness, and much more. Learn more at #988Lifeline #WisconsinLifeline #988WisconsinLifeline
(Download you are not alone woodworker image)
You are not alone. Call, text, or chat the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline for mental health and substance use issues. Learn more at #988Lifeline #WisconsinLifeline #988WisconsinLifeline
(Download help is hope bedroom image)
When you need someone to talk to, call, text, or chat the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. Learn more at #988Lifeline #WisconsinLifeline #988WisconsinLifeline
(Download help is hope brick background image)
The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline has your back. It is a trusted and safe space to talk about whatever you're experiencing. Learn more at #988Lifeline #WisconsinLifeline #988WisconsinLifeline
(Download the hope starts here image)
You are not alone. Call, text, or chat the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. You'll get help for today and hope for tomorrow. Learn more at #988Lifeline #WisconsinLifeline #988WisconsinLifeline
(Download the we have your back image)
NOTE: New static online ads are being developed. The new static online ads will be available here soon.
A variety of static ads for website are available in the following sizes: 160x600, 300x50, 300x250, 300x600, 320x50, and 728x90 are available. Send an email to to get the files for these ads.
A variety of ads are available to be placed on the sides of city buses. Send an email to to get the files for these ads.
:30 version
:15 version
Send an email to if you need a broadcast ready version of these ads or versions that can be played before films at a movie theater.
If the Wisconsin promotional tools do not meet your needs, check out the national promotional tools available through the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
Difference between 211, 988, and 911
There are many three-digit calling codes for help in Wisconsin. The "In Wisconsin, Help is 3 Numbers Away" infographic can help you understand the difference between 211, 988, and 911. It is available in English, Spanish, and Hmong.
Customize with local resources
These fillable PDFs take the "In Wisconsin, Help is 3 Numbers Away" infographic and add a customizable back page for local resources. Tribal nations and counties can select their name in the title, add their logo, and enter program titles, contact information, hours, and descriptions. There are four different layouts to choose from for one, two, three, or four programs.
Work for the 988 Wisconsin Lifeline
Family Services of Northeast Wisconsin is hiring staff for the 988 Wisconsin Lifeline. See the list of positions currently available.
- Wisconsin data: Visit the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline data dashboard
- National data: Visit the 988 Lifeline Performance Metrics data dashboard
Join our email list
Sign up to receive updates on the implementation of the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline in Wisconsin.