Autism Council: Members

Council members are appointed by the Governor, who specified that a majority of the Council members must be parents of children with autism. The remaining members of the Council may include the following individuals: providers of services to children with autism; local government officials; persons with knowledge of the issues relating to autism; and public members. To apply to become a member of the Governor's Council on Autism, please see the bottom of this page for application information.

Council members
Alejandra Glafira Apreza-KingParent
Kim BruesselPublic
Vanesa Carmona-LewisParent
Rose M. CuttingParent
Margaret FairbanksParent
Daysi JiménezParent
Robert JohnstonParent
Susan JuzwikParent
Christina KrasovichParent
Dr. Jennifer MaskelParent
Lindsay McCaryPublic
Katy MorganParent
Lisa RidenourParent
Kevin ScholzParent
Dr. Rebecca ThompsonProvider
Wisconsin Early Autism Project
Council staff
NameWisconsin Department of Health Service
Deb RathermelDivision of Medicaid Services, Bureau of Children's Services

Governor's Council on Autism applications

All applications to serve on the Governor's various Boards, Commissions, and Councils must be completed online. Simply select the Boards or Commissions link and follow the process. All appointments are administered by the Office of the Governor.

Disclaimer about advisory council content

This content reflects the views and opinions of the advisory council. It may not reflect the official policy or position of DHS.


Last revised March 3, 2025